
Friday, October 5, 2012

Fun Friday Giveaway - The Quilt Show

Quilt show

Welcome to another Fun Friday.  

Today I want to share with you some of the reasons I enjoy my subscription to The Quilt Show.  I also want to share that they were kind enough for me to share photos with you in this post today.

Here are a few insights on The Quilt Show (TQS):

The Quilt Show is a virtual based magazine plus more.  They share insights on a blog, that is available to everyone (even if you don't subscribe to TQS).  Like a magazine, they have a video show that shares insights on various quilters, tips and more. They also have online courses, free patterns and more.  And, like a magazine, when you subscribe you'll always be able to access shows that were released during your subscription. You can watch them at your liesure when ever you want and as many times as you want.

Here are a few more things about TQS that you may not be aware of:

Sarah Vedeler is the quilt design and machine embroidery designs for her beautiful Sedona Star quilt, through a current block of the month program available for free to the Quilt Show members

I'm definitely looking forward to an upcoming video episode, to be released  November 5th "Episode 1110 – Come to the "Strip Club"... Rated G! (Daniela Stout)"

There are so many wonderful episodes on the Quilt Show that it is impossible to pick my favorites, but I'd definitely encourage everyone to watch:

Episode 901 – State-of-the-Art Quilting: Tradition Meets Innovation (Susan Brubaker Knapp)

Episode 611 – Applique the Piece O' Cake Way (Becky Goldsmith)

The TQS Blog is free to everyone and shares great tips and inspiration.  One of my recent favorites was a spectacular Star of Valor quilt made by Sherry Reynolds.

Isn't this QOV quilt spectacular?  I love it and love it even more knowing it is a QOV quilt.  Truly an inspirational quilt and another great example of why I love The Quilt Show.

Did I Mention A Giveaway?
When I renewed my subscription to The Quilt Show I was given a six month gift certificate to give to a friend.  I decided the best way to give it away is by using it as a prize on a Fun Friday Giveaway.

To enter to winpublic followers simply need to leave a comment on this post.  You can still follow via RSS/Email feeds, but also be a public follower through your Google profile. If you are not sure what a
public follower is, or if your settings are correct, please click here to read a prior post on public followers.

And, if you don't want to be a public follower they'll be plenty of other giveaways and contests where you can win prizes and need not be a public follower.  This particular giveaway is just meant to thank those that care enough to be a public follower!

This giveaway is open to public followers that live any place in the world.  One winner will be randomly selected and announced next Friday.  They will be given a code that they can redeem for a free six month membership to The Quilt Show (or add six months to their existing membership).

I'm also delighted to announce the winners of the Fun Friday Giveaway, from last week, sponsored by Island Batik and Cherry Blossoms Quilting Studio.    Congratulations to:

An email will be sent to the winners today.  They need to send an email confirmation they want to claim their prize within 3 days, or another winner will be randomly selected.  

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  1. I like this giveaway. Kiss from Spain!!!

  2. Just wanted to say Thank you for sharing my "Star of Valor" quilt :)

  3. Thanks for having this great giveaway!

  4. Came across your blog from another blogger I follow & have been sitting here reading all your wonderful information for us quilty folks. Probably be sitting here for another hour, but hey I call this therapy. Thanks for sharing!
    Perth West Australia

  5. OMG Star of Valor is a Beautiful Quilt. Thanks for a chance to win

  6. Thanks so much for the chance to win a six month subscription. You have told me about a resource I have not heard of before.

  7. That is a beautiful Star of Valor quilt!
    I am a public follower so thank you for the chance to win a gift sub to TQS!

  8. I love The Quilt Show. I learn so much there. Certainly count me in for this.
    One of my favorite episodes was Episode 1011 – Stupendous Stitching with Carol Ann Waugh. It inspired me to do several art quilts. One of those is still in progress.

  9. Thank you for the chance to win, I like the quilt show, but not the cost of it :-)

  10. Sherry's Star of Valor quilt is extraordinary!!

  11. I do follow; and I love the Star of Valor quilt..stunning!

  12. Thank you for a chance to win!
    Love the Quilt Show!

  13. I follow and you always have such great info for us! As always thank you!

  14. Fabulous way to start the day!!!

    Thank you Island Batik and Cherry Blossoms Quilting Studio for the wonderful prizes!!! And Thanks to SewCalGal for hosting!!

    Made my day!!

  15. I LOVE!!! The Quilt Show. There are SO MANY new techniques that I want to try, and so many new quilters/teachers that I will be following online.

    Thanks for the tutorial on following publicly. I have a wordpress blog and have always had difficulty following blogger blogs publicly, but now I think it will be easier!!!

  16. Thanks so much for sharing your 6 month giveaway. I would love to win a chance to watch their shows.
    Happy Thanksgiving ( In Canada)

  17. I've always wanted to check out The Quilt Show, but haven't gotten around to it. This would be a great way to start!

  18. I am a "public follower" and have enjoyed TQS over the much great info! Thanks for the generous gift/prize/opportunity!!!!

  19. Love The Quilt Show but only have a free membership and I've watched all the free episodes. What a great prize, esp now that the cold weather is moving in here in the midwest.

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. Fantastic giveaway - thanks for sharing!

  22. awesome give away, hope I win

  23. I have enjoyed there free tutorials and articles. It would be nice to get a six month subscription.

  24. Beautiful quilt. Thanks for sharing.

  25. I am a public follower. Thank you for the chance to win a 6 month subscription to TQS.

  26. I'm a very happy follower and would love to win a subscription to The Quilt Show. I've been meaning to go over and check them out but just never got there. This would be a perfect way to learn all about TQS!

  27. Thanks for the chance to subscribe to the Quilt Show!

  28. I just became a public follower. I've never seen the Quilt Show, so would love to win!

  29. Love the TQS! I am a star member and my subscription is ready to run out! Thanks for this opportunity!

  30. Thanks for chance to win this lovely give away! I would follow you anywhere!!...and have! haha

  31. I'd love to win. Thanks for the chance :)

  32. Fun! I love the Quilt Show but haven't been a subscriber for a number of years. Thanks so much for the chance to win!

  33. Your blog is wonderful! A paradise for those who love quilt.

  34. Thanks for the giveaway...I'm a public follower!

  35. Wow what a great giveaway. Thank you.

  36. This is a show I've been interested in seeing. Thanks for the giveaway!

  37. Those are amazing quilts! I'd love to see more :)

  38. I LOVE The Quilt Show. It's an excellent resource and lots of fun. 6 months would be wonderful!

  39. Wowza, exciting giveaway!! So much to learn with this one. Count me in!

  40. I love The Quilt Show. Thanks for the giveaway!

  41. I think the quilt show has such a great variety of quilters, covering diverse topics. I would love to win this prize! Thanks for the opportunity!

  42. I am a public follower, but this is the first time I ever heard of the Quilt Show. Thanks!

  43. I have been a follower for a while :-) Join me in and I cross my fingers. Have a great week end

  44. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity. I have been reading your blog for some time and enjoy it very much. Am now subscribed so I don't miss any.

  45. I am a public follower and I enjoy reading your blog. This give away looks really interesting

  46. Following from Greece, thanks for the giveaway.

  47. I follow with Google Friend Connect :) Thanks for the chance!

  48. I'm a public follower. Thanks for the giveaway!

  49. Totally excellent giveaway. This is how I joined the Quilt Show and I have passed on the love to others.

  50. I always get their newsletter and wish I was a member. Thanks for the chance!!

  51. What a great idea for a giveaway. The Quilt Show looks so interesting.

  52. I do believe that I am now a public follower. Thanks for the instructions. I do follow with bloglines. Thanks also for a chance to win. Haven't been to The Quilt Show in some time.

  53. this is such a cool give away.
    Love your blog.
    Pam Biswas

  54. i love the Quilt show, and always have tried to take advantage when they run their free shows/ A subscription would be heavenly!!

  55. The QOV quilt is absolutely stunning. the recepient will be surely blessed to receive it.

  56. This is such a great giveaway. I love the Quilt of Valor.

  57. I love The Quilt Show and the fact that it's an internet show. I can rewatch segments I really enjoy. But the best part is being exposed to many different styles of quilting!

  58. Thanks for the chance to win a paid membership. I have the free one and enjoy the facebook posts and emails.

  59. How generous of you! I would love a subscription, now that I have a high speed internet connection.

  60. What a great give-away especially for people who don't get any quilting shows so don't see any
    Hugs Janice

  61. I love their magazine and I love theirsite on the internet, but I can get 3 quilting magazines or more for their price. I would love to try it out and make sure it is worth it. Thanks

  62. Would love to win this, as I am debating a subscription to their site.

  63. This is a great give away. Would love to win. Thanks

  64. This is a great give away. Would love to win. Thanks

  65. Thanks for sharing such wonderful information, all the time...

  66. Super giveaway. I;ve followed TQS free site for a while now, but haven't made the jump into an actual membership, so this would be a great starting. point. Thanks for the opportunity

  67. Thanks for sharing this wonderful source.

  68. Thanks for sharing about public following. I have been following you, now also I public follow you.

  69. I follow you and love all the interesting information you share with us. Thank you for the chance to win.

  70. THANK YOU for ALL that you share (including helpful information). I have enjoyed some of the free features of The Quilt Show and I hope I win the membership so I can try out the subscription features.

  71. The timing would be perfect on this subscription because my Day Job winds down in November, leaving me free to quilt and sew and learn through April! Thanks for your generosity!

  72. I'm a Public Follower, as well as a Google Reader. Love to win a subscription to the show!

  73. I would love to win this giveaway. I've been wanting to try out The Quilt Show.

  74. I'd love to try The Quilt Show again, now that I have a more reliable Internet provider.

  75. I'd love to try it again (now that my 'high speed' connection is fast enough--at least I hope it is!!) And of course I'm a public follower!! Love your blog--keeps us all informed!

  76. Oh wow what a great giveaway.
    thanks so much for the chance to win and thanks for keeping us up to date on what's happening in the quilting world.

    Happy Sewing

  77. I am always torn--more time at the computer, or more time on the machine? Your FMQ challenge has been SO valuable!

  78. I have been tempted to join The Quilt Show - this would be a fun way to get acquainted!
    Thank you so much for the generous giveaway!

  79. Such a great giveaway, seen some of the The Quilt Show, it's exciting and step by step techniques are shown. Thanks for the chance.

  80. Thank you for sharing your subscription with your followers-quilters are always so generous.

  81. Love to win your giveaway! thanks for the info on bloggers. Very helpful!

  82. I have been a member of TQS for many years and love their BOM`s. You don`t have to draw my name cause I think I am paid for another couple of years. I do hope that it is a new person that wins so they can see all the wonderful things that are there to view.

  83. This is just the best blog sight. Thanks always for the great info!!

  84. I would love to have a subscription. Thanks for sharing info on their show and all the other stuff they offer.

  85. Awesome giveaway! Thanks for the chance.

  86. The QOV Quilt is absolutely stunning! Thanks for a chance to win 6 month subscription..budget is tight right now. I used to have one yrs ago and enjoyed it.
    CathyC in Alberta

  87. there is so much to learn and this really looks like a wonderful opportunity. Thank you for the giveaway!

  88. Un edredón realmente precioso.

  89. Great giveaway. Wish I could afford EQ but can't right now. Maybe I might win one? Thanks for the chance.

  90. I'd love to win! Thanks for the chance - those are beautiful quilt photos.

  91. Thanks for a great giveaway!!!

  92. Thanks for the chance to win! Great giveaway!

  93. Thank you for all this great info you are sharing with us!

  94. Thanks for letting me know about the giveaway. I follow you here and on Facebook.

  95. That very special Quilts of Valor quilt is simply amazing!! I can only imagine the elation of the recipient when they receive this fabulous quilt. What a wonderful way to say "thanks" for your service to our country.

  96. SewCalGal, Thanks for so much good quilting informaiton. I am loving the FMQ Challenge and the EQ7 hop was quite an unexpected pleasure. Anne in Illinois.

  97. I haven't ever seen The Quilt Show but would love to have the opportunity. Thanks for a great giveaway.

  98. What a generous giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity.

  99. Would LOVE to win this giveaway.

    Love the QOV!!! Very pretty..

  100. How wonderful that you are sharing with your followers! I've enjoyed The Quilt Show whenever I had the opportunity to watch a program. Many thanks!

  101. Now that you've told us how to be a public follower, I am, and can enter the drawing!

  102. I'd love to win this giveaway! Thanks for such a chance!

  103. I finally got the setting right so I am now officially a public follower. I would love to win this subscription. Thanks

  104. I have belonged to the Quilt Show for several years and consider the cost of it well spent. I would love to win the 6 month subscription to it. Thanks.

  105. Love the quilt show and my renewal is coming up! Thanks for all you do Sew Cal Gal!


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