
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

2013 Quilt Calendars, by Martingal/That Patchwork Place

There are 80 days left until 2013 arrives on our doorsteps, which means 68 days until Christmas. Definitely time to start thinking about 2013 calendars. 

SewCalGal always enjoys the quilt calendars by Martingale/That Patchwork Place, so needless to say I'm delighted to share insights with you on their new 2013 Quilt Calendars and perpetural calendars too.  These are all beautiful quilts perfect for any quilter to use in their home, as well as to give as a gift.  

Here are my insights their beautiful 2013 Calendars, but I'm also hoping you'll take time to let me know what your favorite Quilt Calendar is. Do you typically use a calendar with inspiration quilts and if so, what type of designs do you like to see in a quilt calendar?

Award-Winning Quilts 2013 Calendar - Featuring Quilts from the International Quilt Association

Simply Beautiful Quilts 2013 Calendar, by Kim Diehl

That Patchwork Place® Quilt Calendar 2013

365 Quilt-Block Patterns: Perpetual Calendar - The Best of Judy Hopkins

SewCalGal hopes you'll visit you local Quilt Shop and/or Martingale's on-line store to check out the wonderful 2013 Quilt Calendars that are available.  I'd also like to hear insights on your favorite calendars too! 

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  1. OOooohh, Which to choose????? They're all so yummeeee! :O)

  2. I'm inspired by the quilt calendars I hang in my sewing room each year. I always get the kind that include the patterns -- it's frustrating to fall in love with a quilt and not have the directions. I'm not clever enough, or patient enough to figure it out.

  3. I bought one of these calendars years ago, its a great source of inspiration, highly recommend it!

  4. I ordered that first one the other day! Someone on the HGTV Quilting and Needlework Forum posted the 6.00 sale and I had to go over... Now, that calendar wasn't 6.00 but I still had to have it! :)

  5. I always get my Mom a quilt calendar - in fact, just got Kim Diehl's for her (x-mas presie). And I like the perpetual calendars - get one each year for myself.

  6. I love to see waht others have made .... they inspire me and put a smile on my face as I look at the quilt to see what all they have done to create a quilt worthy of being selected for the calendar. I like to have a few around the house I have a Quilter's Vlock a day Calendar by Debby Kratovil and I also picked up the cd for it sew when I want to build a block it is that much easier. And I can use it year after year.
    in stitches

  7. Are there any that come with a cd to make the quilts in the calendar?? THAT would be a cool thing!

  8. Love the Award Winning Quilts calendar--I have last years hanging in my kitchen right now. I also make it a rule that I cannot look ahead at the quilts so they'll be a surprise each month! :)

  9. All of them! Well, especially the Kim Diehl Simply Beautiful and the Award Winning Quilts wall calendars really take my fancy.

  10. I know it doesn't compare to the award winning quilts, but April's quilt in That Patchwork Place is pretty special to me - since I'm Nana Girl :)! It's a thrill to represent Kim Brackett's genius with my quilt "Flowers for Nana Girl"!

  11. I always get one of the large quilt calendars. I haven't decided which one yet. I haven't gotten the 365 quilt patterns one in a while. I kept 'hinting' for it, but, I guess I'll just have to get it myself, since my guys didn't take the 'hint'. I have several years worth in the basement.

  12. i tried twice to get my giveaway to link but it wouldn't it says barbara and barbara woods but wont link back to my blog

  13. I have the Block-A-Day calendar and enjoy it very much. There's an accompanying CD, but I haven't purchased it. I really enjoying seeing a new block each morning before I go to work :-)

  14. I just bought the new Block-A-Day CD - can't wait to get it!

  15. that Award Winning Quilts looks fabulous - I always try and have 1 or 2 quilt calendars around for inspiration

  16. Ugh! Are you sure? Wasn't Christmas just last week? You are a cruel woman.

  17. I like the quilting engagement calendars because they have more photos (1 per week) than the wall calendars. But I might get that awrd-winning quilt calendar to brighten my cubicle, it sure is inspirational!

  18. Nunca he tenido un calendario de este tipo. Debe ser divertido cada mes descubrir un quilt diferente.

  19. I was just looking at Quilting Calendars again today. I think I've settled on wanting 2013 Award winning quilts. It surely must be chock full of inspiration. I have never actually had a quilt calendar before, but about three years ago this new year ago, my sister gave me a day by day calendar with cats on it. The best thing about those pages where the grids on top. I saved every single one and it took me to years to use up all my grid paper on quilt sketches. I tried to give her the hint last year that she should give me another, but alas she didn't pick up on it, so I figure I'm stuck buying my own!


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