> ~ Insights by SewCalGal ~

Friday, September 7, 2012

Fun Friday Giveaway - Sponsored by Hoffman California Fabrics

Thank you to Hoffman California Fabrics for being our sponsor today, for another Fun Friday Giveaway.

First, a few things to share:

Kelly (I Have A Notion) has a couple of posts on her blog about recent tours of Hoffman California Fabrics. And, she has a giveaway for some yummy Hoffman fabric too.  Just hop on over to Kelly's fun blog for more information about this giveaway and tell her "SewCalGal" sent you.

The fabric has been selected for the 2013 Hoffman Challenge which is from their new Sayomi collection.  Hoffman has selected The Humane Society as the designated charity for the 2013 Challenge.  And, the deadline to enter this spectacular challenge is July 29th, 2013.

As I've been hearing many quilting and sewing enthusiasts ask where they can find the 2012 Hoffman Challenge fabric, I want to mention that you should start seeing it appear in your local quilt shops this month. But, definitely let your quilt shops know you are interested as they can order it if they haven't yet done so.  I've also spotted this fabric online at the Fat Quarter Shop!

Have you seen the new Taylor Swift video "We are Never Ever Getting Back Together?"  You are probably wondering why SewCalGal is talking about Taylor Swift, but Taylor loves Hoffman Fabrics so much she wore pajamas made with a whimsical squirrel print, from the beautiful Woodlands Collection in this fun video!  Do you think Taylor is a quilting or sewing enthusiast or just someone that has an eye for beautiful fabric?

A little birdie has shared insights with SewCalGal about their new Hoffman fabric collections.  Have you seen them yet?  They are beautiful and you are going to love them.  Bet you'd like to see these new fabrics right now.    They'll be arriving in your local quilt shops and online shops very soon.  And, SewCalGal will share insights with you shortly.

Did I mention a giveaway?

Our giveaway today is for a bundle of Hoffman fabric, which SewCalGal calls a "Sushi Roll". This isn't a fabric bundle you can find in your quilt shops, but a special one that is made up of various Hoffman Fabric samples.  And, a great way to add beautiful fabric to your stash that can help you make a small project, or be incorporated with other fabrics to make a larger project.  Or, you may just want to enjoy the beauty of it and display it on your quilt wall while you decide what you want to create with it.   

This bundle also include a piece of Hoffman 3D fabrics and a pair of 3D glasses too!  

If you would like to win this bundle of fabric, followers of SewCalGal simply leave a comment on this post.     I'll randomly select a winner next Friday.  

Want an extra entry? Go "like" Hoffman Fabrics on Facebook. And, let them know SewCalGal sent you.  Keep an eye out this week as a little birdie told me that Hoffman is going to have a special fabric giveaway on their Facebook page this week, possibly as early as this Sunday.

Don't forget to keep an eye out, as there will be a few more giveaways for various Hoffman fabric bundles.   I have a few more Sushi bundles of beautiful Hoffman fabric for you.  

Hoffman California Fabrics
25792 Obrero Drive, Mission Viejo, CA 92691-3140


I also want to thank Michelle (Quilty Stuff), who is our Postage Angel for the giveaway this week (and for the August Prize in the 2012 Free-Motion Quilting Challenge too!).  SewCalGal appreciates Postage Angels for helping to support shipping expenses of prizes on SewCalGal and she hopes you also appreciate them too.  As such, you may want to hop on over and visit Michelle's delightful blog - Quilty Stuff and leave her a note of thanks too!

The giveaway last week  was sponsored by Don Linn (aka Mr. Quilt) for two copies of his new Free-Motion Quilting Simplified DVD.  Congratulations to the two lucky winners.

  1. Rhonda (Ozark Country Stitchin)
  2. Diane Wild (Bearly Wild Bears)

This FMQ DVD can be purchased, for a very reasonable price, via Don's online store.

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Deb said...

The Hoffman fabrics are truly beautiful! Thanks for the interesting link over to Kelly's "I Have a Notion" blog.

Thanks for this giveaway, too,

Deb said...

I just "liked" Hoffman Fabrics on FB!
Thanks, again-

Sue said...

What a wonderful give away ! Thanks for a chance to win this gorgeous Batik fabric

Lisa England said...

I am a fan and collector of batiks, but 3D fabric is new to me. What will they think of next?

Rachel said...

What fun, 3D fabric! My kids would totally get a kick out of that!

Rachel said...

I liked Hoffman Fabrics on fb, too.

Lise said...

what a great give away, thank you for the chance to enter..I also left comment on Hoffman Fabric on FB...thank you again..

teachpany said...

I love Hoffman fabrics, too. They are delightful to work with, and the colors are so vibrant! It must have been so much fun to tour with Kelly!! If I ever get to Cali, you'll have to take me, too! Thanks.

teachpany said...

I like Hoffman on Facebook, too.

Jane said...

What a beautiful range of fabrics. The sushi roll is a perfect taster

DebiKibbee said...

Love, Love, Love hoffman fabric

Kim said...

Oh wow, I'd like a chance to win :0)
Thanks for sharing all those other terrific giveaways too.

Happy Sewing

Debbie said...

Huge fan of Hoffman fabrics....and these are great. Thanks.

MJ said...

I LOVE Hoffman fabrics! What a great selection. Thanks for the chance to win!!

sherry said...

wow what a great selection of fabric...

Regina said...

3D???? Seriously????

Donna~~ said...

I've always loved Hoffman Fabrics--always fabulous colors!

Donna~~ said...

And I've already liked Hoffman Fabrics on Facebook! :)

Gene Black said...

I love the Hoffman Batiks....I want a Sushi roll (and a real volcano sushi roll would be nice right now. )

Janet O. said...

Gorgeous fabrics. Thanks for this opportunity!

Gene Black said...

I have already liked Hoffman Batiks.

Agnes B. Bullock said...

I already "Like" Hoffman Fabrics and left them a comment today!

Am a devoted follower!

Barb said...

What a fun tidbit about Taylor....I love their fabrics....and was planning to do the challenge but kinda got sidetracked....no need to enter me.

Belinda said...

Oh what a great little prize!! Count me in please!!

KaHolly said...

What a great give-away! Hoffman Fabrics are pretty cool!

Kathryn said...

I love sushi, food or fabric versions. thanks for the giveaway.

Gill said...

Thanks for a great giveaway!
I have been following Kelly's trip on her blog!

Rebecca Grace said...

Ooh, I love Hoffman Fabrics, and I like the 2013 Challenge Fabric, too! I'm actually reading this post on my iPad ON THE WAY to my LQS (in line at Starbucks drive-through, , not on the highway!) so I'll look for these when I get there!

Sharon B said...

Beautiful fabrics! Thanks for the give-a-way! Love your blog

CathyH said...

Such pretty fabrics!! Thanks for the giveaway!

Sharon B said...

I like Hoffman Fabrics on FB

The Thompsons said...

That cracked me up that Taylor Swift is a fan - I bet those are some pretty sweet pajamas. :)

Sharon B said...

I like Hoffman Fabrics on FB!

mary mahoo said...

That's the kind of sushi I like! Thanks for the chance to win.

mary mahoo said...

I've liked Hoffman on FB for a long time!

Kate Brown said...

I would love to try out the 3d fabric for my gransons!! All the fabric looks great. thanks for the chance!

Mrs.Pickles said...

thank you for the chance to win :)

Lyndsey said...

Definitely the kind of sushi I like. Such fabulous fabric.

Quilting Babcia said...

Thanks for another fun giveaway!

Quilting Babcia said...

I just visited and "liked" the Hoffman Facebook page. But I Love their fabrics!

TexPat said...

I just liked Hoffman Fabrics on Facebook...but I actually love their fabric! Thanks for a chance to win a fabulous giveaway!

Anita said...

I am a follower, and would love to win the bundle!

In stitches and seams said...

looks like another great give away... thanks for hosting
in stitches

Nina Marie said...

Hoffman fabrics are the best - you can use them in so many types of quilting!

Nina Marie said...

I just Liked them on FB - thanks for the tip!

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

Great way to end the week Darlene...thank you

Anita in Florida said...

What a wonderful giveaway
!!! Thanks for the chance.

Tina Rathbone said...

Thanks for your wonderful site. I've never even heard of 3D fabric: would love to win. Are you enjoying our slightly cooler weather here in SD?

Terri said...

Thanks for the giveaway.

Teresa in Music City said...

Yes please!!! I'd love to fondle those yummy fabrics :*)

Teresa in Music City said...

I had already "liked" Hoffman Fabrics and get their wonderful updates on my feed regularly :*)

Cathy said...

3-D fabric? Ohhh - would love to see that. Count me in on the giveaway! Thanks! Cathy

Laura said...

Please enter me!

LeAnne said...

Love the Hoffman batiks. Never heard of 3D fabric before.

LeAnne said...

I already like Hoffman Fabrics on FB.

Ana said...

Love Hoffman fabric.

Karen M said...

Thanks for the chance to win a sushi roll of fabric. 3-D fabric sounds like such fun. Thanks for the chance to win.

Amy's Crafty Shenanigans said...

I could rule the world too if I won these fabrics :) Super giveaway - thank you very much for the chance!

rvquilter said...

great giveaway!
Hope you pick me :)

BeachQuilter said...

I FB Liked!

BeachQuilter said...

Beautiful fabrics as always!

Jocelyn said...

woo-hoo, What a great time you and Kelly had. I LOVE Hoffman batiks. Such beautiful fabric. Thanks!

ritainalaska said...

i've been 'liking' hoffman fabrics' fb page for awhile now ... i went over there and commented on their post on your giveaway, shared it, too, to my fb page.

ritainalaska said...

love hoffman's beautiful batiks! i love growing my stash with them.

Sandy D said...

Thanks for a chance to win these awesome Hoffman fabrics.

Average Quilter said...

I just love Hoffman fabrics - _ thanks for the chance to win the sushi roll

PJB said...

I love Hoffman fabrics and am happy for the chance to to win your sushi roll of Hoffman fabrics. I'm an old dinosaur and don't do face book!

Kathy MacKie said...

I already like them on FB!

Kathy MacKie said...

You have such great giveaways, can't wait to see 3D fabric, thanks so much!

Jessica said...

Joining the pool of hopefuls. I really love Hoffman Fabrics. Their colors and patterns are always so intricate and beautiful.

Bente-I like to QuiltBlog said...

yummi sushi-roll, thans for the chance to win.
Have a nice weekend!
Liebe Grüße

Mike Pearson said...

I went to IHAN too and told her you sent me! Wow, I never knew there was 3D fabric! and I love SUSHI!!!

Mike Pearson said...

I went to their facebook page and liked them while I was over at IHAN (I went there first cause you said to in the beginning of your post :P )

Monika said...

Wow that 3d fabric would be awesome in middle DS' Great Barrier Reef quilt! Would love to win this bundles of awesomeness (and happy to pay postage if sending outside the US was an issue!). Just noted on your blog it's still 7 Sep, my bday :-) so I can celebrate for a second day ;-)

Barb and Sharon said...

Watched the video and all her clothes had great patterns on them, even the walls were cable knit!!! Thanks for a chance to win a sushi roll.

suemac said...

You can't go wrong with batiks.

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

What a wonderful giveaway!! Love their batiks, thanks!

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

I left a comment on Hoffman Fabrics FB!

WeaslerQuilts said...

This is a fantastic giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity to win some lovely fabric :)

WeaslerQuilts said...

I like Hoffman Fabrics on Facebook! :)

Rosa said...

3D fabrics,that`s great.It`s the first time I hear about it.

I love Hoffman batik fabrics, yummiest!!

MaryBeth said...

I like Hoffman fabrics on Facebook. Thanks for the chance to win the giveaway.

MaryBeth said...

I follow SewCalGal! Thanks for the chance to win.

LesQuilts said...

Thanks for the wonderful giveaway! What pretty fabrics!
Take care, Leslie

Wivi said...

I love Hoffman fabrics.
I'm a follower of your blog.

Jane said...

3D fabric. How fun! Thanks for the giveaway!

Jane said...

Liked Hoffman on Facebook & told 'em you sent me.

Quilter Kathy said...

What a great video...I"m sure that Taylor loves great fabrics too...maybe she's a quilter?!?!

Diann said...

Well, I am very fond of sushi, and I expect that I would like the sushi roll of fabric just as much.

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

The Hoffman fabric is absolutely gorgeous! Thanks for the opportunity to enter your wonderful giveaway!

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

I follow Hoffman on FB :)

barbara woods said...

i follow you and i liked hoffman on facebook thanks for the giveaway

Diann said...

I like Hoffman Fabric on Facebook and told them you sent me over.

M-R Charbonneau said...

Yummy! I love sushi -- whether it's the edible kind or the fabric kind. Thanks for the giveaway!

Pip said...

thanks for the chance to win, some lovely fabrics in the sushi roll and no calories either :)

krisgray said...

Several ladies in my quilt guild participate in the Hoffman Challenge and one has a quilt in the upcoming tour. Love Hoffman!

krisgray said...

I like Hoffman on FB!

lesizmo said...

Please, count me in!

Peggy said...

I love Hoffman fabrics. Thanks for a great giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE to win the "Sushi Roll"!

tubilinha tiacarminha said...

São bonitos estes,quem sabe eu não ganho como presente de aniversário no próximo dia 26 de setembro,afinal presente tem que ter finalidade...Obrigada.tiacarminhapezzuto@gmail.com

Bridget B said...

Beautiful Fabrics!! Would love to win.

Karen said...

LOVE Hoffman fabrics... a beautiful look, and a beautiful feel! Thanks for the oportunity to possible add a few to the stash!

Lisa Cox said...

I love Hoffman fabrics. Thanks for the chance to win the sushi roll.

Lisa Cox said...

I already Like Hoffman fabrics on Facebook, but I did leave them a note saying hi and that you sent me.

Jennie P. said...

I am a follower :) Thanks for the chance!!

Cecilia said...

I love Hoffman batiks. I am making a Turning Twenty quilt with Hoffman batiks and I know it is going to be gorgeous.

Cecilia said...

I already like Hoffman Batiks on Facebook. :-)

Nayala said...

I live in a small town in Argentina ... We can`t buy good cotton fabrics made ​​in Argentina because they simply dont exist. It would be great to win your prize...

Maricarmen, de http://palabradepatchwork.blogspot.com.ar/

Jo Vandermey said...

I love, love, love Hoffman Batiks and use them all the time! And 3-d fabric how cool is that! Enjoy your blog and thanks for all the info and giveaways too!

Rachelle said...

Beautiful fabrics, I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Homemaker Honey said...

I follow via email.

homemakerhoney @gmail .com

Homemaker Honey said...

I liked on Faceboook and said that you sent me.

homemakerhoney @gmail .com

Mary W Quilts said...

3D fabric? Who new? Would like to win some... Thank you, Mary

Kristin said...

Thanks for the chance to win. I love Hoffman Fabrics.

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

I'm a follower. Those fabrics are gorgeous.

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

I liked hoffmans on FB

Kristin said...

I liked Hoffman on FB/

Gwen said...

Such beautiful fabric!!! And 3D fabric!! How cool! :-) Thank you so much for the chance to win!!

Newbie Jen said...

3-D fabric? Well, I guess I should have known given everything is going 3-D now.

liberal sprinkles said...

Such lovely prints and I'm intrigued by 3D fabric. Thanks for the chance to win!

Leslierosek said...

Beautiful fabrics. Thanks for a great blog.

Julie said...

I love Hoffman batiks !!! Thanks for the great giveaway.

Julie said...

I "Liked" Hoffman's fabric on FB. Thanks

Judy MacLeod said...

Throwing my lot in with the rest, hoping to win! I think we're all on the Hoffman FB page too!

Beth said...

I just splurged on a book about making quilts from photographs. I could use some beautiful Hoffman batiks to get started. Thanks for the chance.

Jeanne said...

Thanks for the giveaway of the beautiful Hoffman fabrics.

Tangles of Thread said...


Michell said...

Thanks for the great giveaway :)

Elizabeth said...

I would LOVE to have the beautiful Hoffman fabric. thank you for the opportunity and all your inspiration.

Teresa said...

Hoffman fabric is a favorite and I appreciate the giveaway. Thanks

Jacquelin said...

Me he sorprendido al ver que hay telas en 3D. Me encantaría verlo.

Margaret said...

I have been a follower for a few years now. Love your site. Really appreciate all of the helpful posts you have.

Margaret said...

I visited Hoffman Fabric's facebook page and left my comment.

JoyceLM said...

Thanks for another great giveaway. I'm a follower.

JoyceLM said...

I left a comment on the Hoffman California Fabrics facebook page. Thanks for the chance to win.

Sally said...

I Love the 3
d fabrics! Any who can live without those yummy batiks? Could anyone actually make a McKenna Ryan without them?

Nancy in IN said...

Taylor Swift is Huffman pj's. Super Love the fabric and liked on FaceBook.
Thanks for blog

LJ said...

Hoffman fabrics are lovely; I'm always pleased when I choose a fabric at my LQS and find that it's Hoffman. Great quality fabric!!

free indeed said...

Hoffeman fabrics are ALWAYS lovely! Truely a beautiful look and feel to them.

Bonnie58 said...

The Hoffman fabrics are gorgeous. I would love to have them on my wall/ Thanks for the opportunity

Annmarie said...

Isn't Taylor Swift a sweetie? cute video - thanks. The Hoffman sushi rol is sweet too! Thanks for the chance to win it.

Barb Neiwert said...

Hoffman fabrics are always great! What a gorgeous bundle, and what a new twist - 3D? Sparks the interest. Thanks for the giveaway chance.

Barb Neiwert said...

I've been a follower of Hoffman Fabrics on FB as Mountain Quiltworks. But I jumped on in a told them all about SewCalGal!

Abbyvb said...

I LOVE Hoffman fabrics, I LOVE your blog, and thank you for the opportunity to win!
--Abby VB

Purl Buttons said...

I really would like to win. Any batik, any time is my favorite fabric.

Unknown said...

Such pretty fabric..thanks for the chance.
shel704 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

I liked Hoffman Fabric on Facebook and told them you sent me
shel704 at aol dot com

QuiltinGram said...

I love Hoffman Fabrics and would love to win some! Thanks!
CathyC in Alberta

QuiltinGram said...

I had liked Hoffman Fabrics on Facebook sometime ago cause I love all their fabrics!!
CathyC in Alberta

Anonymous said...

Another fantastic give away! Your blog is one of the very few I follow every day, thanks for all the work you put into it!

CBH said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
KAM said...

I definitely like, no make that love, Hoffman fabrics and have indicated that love by clicking the like button on Facebook


KAM said...

What a super giveaway. I read every one of your blogs and truly enjoy following you. Thanks for making this Hoffman fabric giveaway available to us.

Linda E in NM said...

The new Hoffman Challenge fabric is quite stunning.

DuAnne said...

Beautiful fabrics and would love to win this! Thanks so much for this opportunity to win!


BizyStitches said...

Thanks for the lovely giveaway and your postage angles are wonderful.

BizyStitches said...

I "Liked" Hoffman Fabrics on FB and I commented there and said you sent me. Thanks again.

Josie McRazie said...

What great fabrics! Ill bet Taylor has someone who dresses her and has a great eye! LOL

Josie McRazie said...

I liked on fb. (A long time ago!)

Dorothy Matheson said...

This is a lovely giveaway. I do like these fabrics a lot. I did like these fabrics on facebook.

Marijke said...

I love Hoffman fabrics,
I have been à traveller, well my coats have for THE past two years and next year again!

Lori said...

I am following them on FB

Lori said...

I follow Sew Cal Gal via email

Laceflower said...

Hoffman fabrics are so wonderful; wish my local shops loved them as much as I do.

Janet said...

Kelly's tour was super fun! Thanks for a giveaway of some wonderful fabrics.

Karen said...

Hoffman fabrics are beautiful. Thanks for the giveaway.

Catskill Quilter said...

Gorgeous fabrics! Thank you for the chance!

Pat V. said...

One can never have too many Hoffman batiks! Thanks for the chance.

MarveLes Art Studios said...

I'm in like Flynn!! Thank you!

c said...

i adore Hoffman anything, but batiks are themost artistic flair I can think of to have in a stash, even if one soes not have a stash-start


Sharon S said...

Thanks for the great give away, Fab fabrics.

Sharon S said...

I liked Hoffman's FB page too.

Juels said...

Fabric, fabric, who can resist it! And batiks are one of my favorite things. Thank you for the giveaway. Now I have to go look at the fabric for the 2013 challenge.

Angie in SoCal said...

Just liked Hoffman - they are my favorite textile producer. Thanks for the chance!

Mom C said...

Thanks for the giveaway. Love Hoffman fabric, its always so lush.

Beth H. said...

3d fabric and glasses. What will they think of next. Liked Hoffman Fabrics. Always enjoy seeing the challenge quilts.

Carrie P. said...

the challenge fabric for this year is probably my favorite of all I have seen. thanks for a chance to win some fabrics.

Darlington Delights said...

What a fun and unique giveaway! I want a sushi roll! Thanks so much for this post and giveaway!

Darlington Delights said...

I liked Hoffman Fabrics on Facebook. Thanks for the heads up on the upcoming FB giveaway!

Kathrynn said...

Great giveaway, thanks for the chance to win

Brenda said...

of course I want to win the great giveaway! thanks for a chance!

Marcia W. said...

Thanks for the chance to win some sushi, Hoffman style. I follow your sewcalgal blog.

Marcia W. said...

We had already liked Hoffman on FB, so just hopped over and left a "sewcalgal sent us over" comment.

Sewgirl said...

I have been enjoying Kelly's travelogue about her so Calif trip. I would love to visit one day to Hoffman myself. Thanks for the great giveaway

Sewgirl said...

I have "like" Hoffman fabrics as well.

Anda W said...

What gorgeous fabrics, thanks for the giveaway! awolk at rogers dot com

Carla G said...

What beautiful fabric! Thanks for a chance to win! :)

Carla G said...

I liked Hoffman on fb & left a msg. :)

thegoose said...

Oh, I'd love to win this fabric! Thanks for the chance. :)

thegoose said...

and I already like Hoffman Fabrics on FB (mo.magoo).

Michele said...

I saw Kelli's posts and the new challenge fabric glimpses and just ahve to get me some. They are absolutely gorgeous.

Jacqueline said...

I love the Hoffman challenge fabric colors.. whoo hoo I'll be looking for it at my lqs.

and thanks for a chance at your giveaway.

Debbie said...

Batiks or regular, Hoffman has some of the best fabrics!

Debbie said...

I have liked Hoffman fabrics on Facebook.

Michele said...

Hoffman has long had beautiful fabrics. Unlike some batiks, theirs don't fade.

LindaB said...

I love Hoffman Fabrics, and have liked them on Facebook referencing you!

Unknown said...

Hoffman batiks are wonderful!

Sallie said...

I like Hoffman Fabrics on Facebook.

Alamoclayton said...

I love Hoffman and the Hoffman Challenge. Thanks for the giveaway. Sushi (fabric) is fantastic!!!!

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