
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Fun EQ/Electric Quilt Activities Coming this Fall

SewCalGal loves Fall and everything EQ (Electric Quilt), thus I'm delighted to be able to share a few insights with you today on some EQ related activities that are coming soon:

EQ Fall Theme Blog Hop
To celebrate the arrival of Fall, as well as our love of Electric Quilt, SewCalGal is hosting an EQ Blog Hop.  Participating blogs will be sharing insights on how they use EQ software, inspirational projects that they've created using EQ products, tips, tutorials, and a few giveaways will be available too.  I hope you'll mark your calendar and have fun visiting the blogs participating in this upcoming blog hop.  Here is the line up:
Monday, Oct lst

Tuesday, Oct 2nd
Marjorie's Quilting Bee 
Curious Orange Cat  

Wed., Oct 3rd
Love Bug Studios  

Thursday, Oct 4th
Kissed Quilts:
Bits & Pieces:  

Friday, Oct 5th
I Quilt Scarlett & Grey:  
EQ Blog:

Blockbase Sew-Along

BlockBase Sew Along Blog Badge

Starting on October 1, EQ will feature a block to sew from BlockBase every two weeks. At the end of each two week period there will be a link up so you can share a photo of your finished block and we can all oohh and aahh over each other's beautiful blocks!

Behind the Mouse

EQ is launching a new blog on October lst called "Behind the Mouse".  Sarah Shriver, Heidi Kori and Jenny Novinsky  will be the voices on this new blog sharing insights, fun free downloads, as well as hosting the Blockbase Sew-Along and other fun activities.  A little birdie told me that the Mouse is also working on some new "add-on" software that will be introduced this Fall and will definitely be announced on this new blog too!

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  1. Sounds fun, love what I have seen in EQ compared to my mac program. I have a Dell too, now, so it is on my wish list.


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