
Monday, June 18, 2012

Ties that Bind

Have you ever felt a special tie to someone that was there when you need a hug or to celebrate something special with you?  Or, maybe you've had an opportunity to offer friendship and support to someone in need, at a special time in their life?  In either of these situations did you feel special "tie that binds" grow stronger?  As a quilter, there is a very good chance you have experienced both of these scenarios, and many more that create a "tie that binds".  You may also enjoy reading inspirational stories about such relationships.

Marie Bostwick, is the author of  five books in Cobbled Court series of novels:
Threading the Needle, A Thread So Thin, A Thread of Truth, A Single Thread and her latest book Ties That Bind.

Michele Bilyeu (With Heart and Hands) was part of a blog hop tour for this book and I was able to recently win a copy.  Thus, I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to Michele!

I wasn't able to start reading this book, until this past weekend, but once I started I could not put it down.  I found the book heartwarming, inspirational, and an easy and fun read.  And, I hope you get a chance to read it.  For me, I found a place in my garden and enjoyed reading for hours.

Book Synopsis:   Christmas is fast approaching, and New Bern, Connecticut, is about to receive the gift of a new pastor, hired sight unseen to fill in while Reverend Tucker is on sabbatical. Meanwhile, Margot Matthews’ friend, Abigail, is trying to match-make even though Margot has all but given up on romance. She loves her job at the Cobbled Court Quilt Shop and the life and friendships she’s made in New Bern; she just never thought she’d still be single on her fortieth birthday.
It’s a shock to the entire town when Phillip A. Clarkson turns out to be Philippa. Truth be told, not everyone is happy about having a female pastor. Yet despite a rocky start, Philippa begins to settle in—finding ways to ease the townspeople’s burdens, joining the quilting circle, and forging a fast friendship with Margot. When tragedy threatens to tear Margot’s family apart, that bond—and the help of her quilting sisterhood—will prove a saving grace. And as she untangles her feelings for another new arrival in town, Margot begins to realize that it is the surprising detours woven into life’s fabric that provide its richest hues and deepest meaning…

This is the first book that I've been able to read, by Marie Bostwick.  I'm definitely looking forward to reading her other books in this series and hoping she'll add soon write more books too.  While I enjoy reading, I just wish I had the ability to write in the way Marie wrote this book. 

One take away I have from this book,  is a reaffirmation on how ties to new & old friends, as well as family members are special. And, how much good can come out of taking time to help others, offering friendship, being supportive.  It is easy to focus on our own problems, yet when we look around we can always find someone that is carrying a heavier load.  And, remember how special quilty hugs and offers of friendship can help build that special "tie that binds".

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  1. I've enjoyed reading all of her other books and look forward to reading this new one as well.

  2. Oh, I just love this picture of the cats:)

  3. I also just won a copy of Ties That Bind. I've read all the others in this series - great books. Your thoughts about being supportive of others is right on!

  4. This book sounds like such a nice read - I hope I can get it on Audible and listen while I quilt. The applique book from the weekend looks like a lot of fun too--very inspirational.

  5. It sounds like a wonderful series of books! I am going to have to check them out! Thanks!

  6. Sounds terrific. Thanks for the review.

  7. It's a book series that holds a special place in my heart!

  8. I have really enjoyed each one of these books and can't wait for the next. I hope she continues the series.

  9. Love Marie's books. I think I have read all of them.

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