
Sunday, February 26, 2012

What does a Quilter do on Oscar Sunday?

Are you going to get dressed up today and celebrate the Oscars?

Are you getting a facial, manicure, pedicure?  What about your hair and makeup?

While you may be busy getting ready for the Oscar Awards ceremonies and parties, some of you may have decided to ignore the Oscars and quilt!

While I hope you have a wonderful quilty day today I also  hope you don't ignore your opportunity to nominate those that have made a difference in helping to make our world of quilting so wonderful.  If you haven't already submitted your nominations for the 2012 Golden Quilter Awards, I hope you'll take time today to submit your nominations.  There are ten categories, but you need not submit a nomination for each category. The important thing is you take time to recognize deserving quilters by nominating.

For more information on the 2012 Golden Quilter's Awards you can visit the page for this event.  Nominations are accepted through March 4th for the following categories:

Nominations are now being accepted for the 2012 Golden Quilter Awards and will be accepted thru Sunday, March 4th. There are ten categories that you can submit nominations for. You can only submit your nomination form one time, so please be prepared to submit your nomination any/all of the following categories:

  1. Best Quilt Designer
  2. Best Quilt Teacher/Instructor
  3. Best Quilt book Author
  4. Best Quilt Store (physical)
  5. Best Quilt Store (online)
  6. Best Longarm Quilter
  7. Most Innovative Product (physical)
  8. Most Innovative Product (software)
  9. Most influential person in the world of quilting to-date, aka "Lifetime Achievement"
  10. Best Quilt book publisher

While today you can get dressed up and "watch" the Oscar's, the Golden Quilter Awards you can nominate your favorites, vote for the ultimate winners, and you will automatically be invited to come to our party to celebrate the ultimate winners of the 2012 Golden Quilter Awards. Plus, those that help with PR (PR Angels), nominate and/or vote can enter to win some great prizes too!

I hope you take time today to submit your nominations. And, if not today, please do so soon as the deadline for nomination is March 4th.

The sponsors for the 2012 Golden Quilters Awards have donated some wonderful prizes.  As such, I want to recognize the sponsors for this fun event:

Thank you to the

Sponsors of the 2012 Golden Quilters Award:

I do hope quilters from around the world will take time to submit nominations for the 2012 Golden Quilter Awards.

For more information on this event, as well as insights on prizes, visit the main page for this event:


  1. I'll be dressed 'down' and working on my newly converted hand crank sewing machines while watching the Oscars. At 49 and 'fluffy' I can't compete with those size 2's. Even in my super skinny days I was never a size 2. GO EAT Hollywood! PS: I'm thinking about your list.

  2. Thanks again for hosting this fun event! I've just submitted my nominations and posted on my blog. Is there a way I am supposed to officially register as a PR angel?


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