
Monday, February 20, 2012

2012 Golden Quilter Awards - Open for Nominations

While Hollywood is gearing up for the Oscar's, it is time to formally kick off activities for the 2012 Golden Quilters Awards.  As you may be new to fun event, I'm going to start with providing some background information.

Over the past couple of years, SewCalGal has hosted the Golden Quilter Awards.  Entertainers have the Oscars, Golden Globes, Emmys, and various other awards, but I felt that we needed something special to recognize those that have helped to make our world of quilting so wonderful.

SewCalGal hosts this event and facilitates the process, but it is up to quilters from all over the world to submit nominations, and ultimately vote for their favorite nominees, to help identify the best of the best.

Nominations are now being accepted for candidates, for the 2012 Golden Quilter Awards, that have made a difference in the world of quilting, for the following categories:
  1. Best Quilt Designer
  2. Best Quilt Teacher/Instructor
  3. Best Quilt book Author
  4. Best Quilt Store (physical)
  5. Best Quilt Store (online)
  6. Best Longarm Quilter
  7. Most Innovative Product (physical)
  8. Most Innovative Product (software)
  9. Most influential person in the world of quilting to-date, aka "Lifetime Achievement"
  10. Best Quilt book publisher

You can submit your nomination by completing the attached survey form, which is confidential,  by leaving a comment on this post with your nomination, or by emailing me.  But, please only submit your nominations one time.  

When you are ready to submit your nominations, you can submit by click this link to "submit nominations" or click the trophy below:

While there are many in the quilting business that deserve a trophy, take time to think of the "best of the best" when you submit your nominations.   Thank you for taking time to recognize those that you feel have made contributions to our world of quilting and need to be recognized.

Key dates that you may want to mark on your calendar:
  • Wed, March 7th - last day to submit your nomination. Everyone is invited to submit nominations.
  • Monday, March 12th - SewCalGal announces all nominees and voting for the ultimate winners begins. Everyone is invited to vote.
  • Monday, April 2nd, SewCalGal announces the ultimate winners of the 2012 Golden Quilter Awards. We celebrate with a party with sponsored prizes to be given.
  • Tuesday, April 3rd, SewCalGal announces the winners of the sponsored prizes.

Note: PR Angels are currently asked to help spread the word to help increase awareness and encourage quilters, from all over the world, to submit their nominations prior to March 4th. Help is also needed between March 12th & April 2nd to encourage quilters to take time to vote for the ultimate winners. I can't do this event without the help of PR Angels. Thus, I do want to say thank you to everyone who helps with PR.

Thank you to the

Sponsors of the 2012 Golden Quilters Award:

If you are interested in being a sponsor for this fun event, please email me

And, don't forget to submit your nominations no later than March 4th.

Lastly, the page on this blog labeled "Golden Quilter Awards"  will be updated periodically, to provide a summary of current information on this event and appropriate links.  Thus, I recommend you check that page periodically.


1)  Can I just nominate for one category, or do I need to do all ten?  NO, you do not need to submit a nomination for every category.  But if you only submit a nomination for a couple of the categories, once you click the "submit" button you can not go back and submit nominations for other categories.

2) Can I nominate someone that won previously?  YES, just like the Oscars.

3) How will I know who is a PR Angel?  Leave me a comment on this post, to let me know you are helping spread the word about the 2012 Golden Quilters Awards and what you did to help (e.g. post a badge, write a blog post, share a link on Facebook or Twitter, etc.).

4) Who was nominated in the past?  2011 Nominees were recognized here

5) How do I enter to win a prize ?  By submitting a nomination, which has you contact info, you are automatically entered to win a prize donated by one of our sponsors.


  1. I'm off to post your button about this, and write a post for it! Ya know, we need to have a category that encompasses all that YOU do for us here in this virtual community! Thank you so much!

  2. I got it all done, so I don't forget.

  3. Just voted and added voting link to my site with a post! A big "second" to what 'Snoodles' said above!! Hugs,

  4. Wow, that time again? I'll add the button and post soon!

  5. Post is up....hope you get lots of nominations!

  6. Just grabbed your button! Currently getting a post ready! Just Sent you an email that I would like to sponsor with two Quilting Gift Certificates. and I tweeted this too!
    What a wonderful idea!

  7. Thank you for organizing this - I am grabbing your button and tweeting!

  8. I almost missed out on the nominations, but mine are now in and I just posted on my Southern Style Blog about the Event and added the button. Here's to another successful Event

  9. I propose that next year you consider adding an award for best blog (or blogger), since the blogs are such a huge part of the quilting world now.

  10. I wrote a blog post announcing this event.

  11. I had emailed you that I was a PR angel but saw that I was supposed to comment here so here I go.... I posted the button on my blog and did a blog post about nominations earlier this month.

  12. I entered nominations and I have done verbal PR among my non-beginner students.

  13. I did a blog post about the nominations just today. I would have done it sooner but I only read about it last night. This is a great idea! Next year I will spread the word sooner!

  14. I sent the link to my facebook page and will post the button on my blog as well. Several friends are is so good to see them recognized for all theie hard work! And thanks to you for all of yours!!!


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