
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Creating Quilt ClipArt, Signs, Banners and more

I use a variety of software packages to create digital artwork, frame and format photos, make greeting cards, scrapbook pages, badges and other items for blogging, etc..  But, I can truly say that the MyMemories software has become my go to software, as it is so easy to use and fast to create what I need to do.  Thus, it gives me more time for doing other things I also enjoy doing. And, today, I'm spending the day quilting (not housecleaning).
And, given the sun is cheerfully shining today, I may also get outside and do some gardening this afternoon.

My Memories digital scrapbooking kits and scrapbook software

While MyMemories software is reasonably priced at $39.97, they have also offered readers of SewCalGal a $10 discount off the purchase of the My Memories Suite Scrapbook software. And, they will also give you a $10 coupon for the My Memories store - $20 value! Just copy and paste the code STMMMS74482 and enter it during checkout to receive your discount!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend and find time to enjoy and create!

If you like the ClipArt  that I quickly created this morning, using MyMemories software, right click on the image and save to your computer.  While I do ask you to obtain my approval to use images on my blog, I created this image to share with those that might be interested.


  1. I love the artwork and will definitely use it on my blog when I get a chance.

  2. Haha!! That one's awesome. I'd love to use it. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Thank you for creating that graphic and allowing us to use the image. That is a fun one!

  4. I love you new clip art, thank you for allowing us to use it.

  5. I love it - thank you for letting ut use the image - it is great :-)

  6. Oh wow...sounds like this is just what I need.

  7. Love this! It sooooo describes this household. Thanks for generously sharing it.

  8. I have a question. Since I'm not a scrapbooker, I am unaware of this software. Can it be used to create design for an art quilt, printed out for templates for the fabric? Sorry if this is not the right place for these questions.
    If the print out could be used as a pattern that might be terrific.

  9. Gardening?? I just shovelled a foot of snow off my patio! hahaha
    Joyce in Sask.

  10. OK, Darlene! I just ordered that software! Can't wai to make my own blog art and buttons and stuff!! Thanks for theb tip!! And the coupon!!

  11. I really need to play with My Memories more. I need to create a new blog header.

  12. And what would be the result of TWO broken sewing machines? LOL!
    I hope that one will be fixed today, and hopefully the other one before the weekend. I am going slighty nuts! ;-)
    esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo dot com
    ipatchandquilt dot wordpress dot com

  13. And what would be the result of TWO broken sewing machines? LOL!
    I hope that one will be fixed today, and hopefully the other one before the weekend. I am going slighty nuts! ;-)
    esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo dot com
    ipatchandquilt dot wordpress dot com


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