
Friday, November 25, 2011

Fun Fridays: Sewing with Silk and a Giveaway

Have you noticed how many quilts  made with Dupioni Silks have been winning awards at major quilt shows lately?  Have you seen how these silks make beautiful quilted table toppers, wallhangings, clothing items and more?  Have you had a chance to work with silk?

Dupioni Silk is a beautiful fabric and is also a favorite by many free-motion quilters.  For those that are taking the pledge for the 2012 Free Motion Quilting Challenge, you really should consider doing some FMQ using silk.  You'll love it! 

The very talented Cheryl Lynch, who is also the author of a wonderful book called "Quilt Fiesta",  has opened a new ETSY store,  called "Sewing with Silks".

This new store specializes in providing great deals on Dupioni Silk bundles.  And, it offers  many lovely collections of spectacular colors, that can help you make your next project look vibrant!

Did I mention a giveaway?  Cheryl has also generously offered, to one lucky follower of SewCalGal, a fat quarter trio bundle of Dupioni silk, where you get to select the bundle color of your choice.  Each of her trio bundles come with 3 fat quarters of dupioni, fusible interfacing and her special tip sheet for taming dupioni. 

To enter to win a silk trio bundle, simply visit Cheryl's "Sewing with Silk" shop on ETSY and leave a message on this post to let me know which Trio of Silk bundle you would  like to win.

One lucky winner will be selected an announced on Friday, December 2nd.

Cheryl can also be found at:

Update:  The winner of this giveaway, sponsored by Sewing for Silk, is:  Kay

Last Friday's giveaway was sponsored by Susan Brubaker Knapp, for a copy of her new DVD "Dynamic quilt Design: Paint Meets Stitch".  The winner of this giveaway is Kim (Chatterbox Quilts)


  1. I like the Woodland Hues trio!

  2. I'd love the Neutral Hues!
    Thanks for the chance :D

  3. Sunset hues for me please. Thanks for the great give away

  4. I'd choose the Lakeside hues! Thanks for a chance to win! :)

  5. The neutral hues would make a beautiful pillow or topper with some accent colors.

  6. The Sunset Hues trio is luscious! Would make a beautiful table runner.

  7. Sunset Hues just shines out, doesn't it?

    I've done some quilting with silk, and it really makes a difference in the look and feel of the quilt. Thx for this chance to win some.

  8. I really like the looks of the Neutral Hues. What lovely colors. Oh what fun!

  9. I've admired Cheryl's work for a while. My favorite trio is the Sunset Hues.

  10. Always wanted to experiment with silk. I love the Neutral Hues.

  11. ooh, love the Hydrangea hues. Thanks for the giveaway!

  12. Wow! Those Sunset and Hydrangea Hues are nice!

  13. they're all lovely, but I would choose the hydrangrea hues.

  14. I love Assortment C--thanks for this chance to win them.

  15. You give such useful information.

    I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!

  16. I liked the neutral hues. Very calming. All her silk was wonderful and her kits were very reasonable.

  17. I love them all and while the Lakeside hues are "my colors" i would have to choose the Hydrangea Hues. Those are so rich and lovely.

  18. It is so cold here, so the sunset hues will warm me up! But with silk it is hard to choose, all colors are so brilliant. Love to work with it.
    gr. Marjolijn

  19. OOOH! I love silks! They really are luminescent and luscious! I love both the sunset hues and the assortment c......but they really are all gorgeous and any of them would be a treat. Please enter me too!

  20. This was hard but I would pick the Hydrangea Hues.

  21. I love hydrangeas, so it is the hydrangea trio i would love! :)

    Thanks for the chance to win!
    sandy A

  22. Oh my, you are right such beautiful fabrics and the colors and prices. I have bookmarked that for a later purchase but would love to win the sunset hues bundle if my name is drawn. I am keeping my fingers crossed!

  23. I love Dupioni Silk: A Trio of Fat Quarters, Neutral Hues! Thanks for the chance!

  24. I would love to try silk in my quilts. New to me. I would pick the neutral hues to start.

  25. All are gorgeous, but I love the Sunset Hues. Thanks for the chance!

  26. Neutral would be nice, thank-you!

  27. All of the bundles are gorgeous, but I favour Hydrangea Hues - wow!

  28. Thanks for the link! The hydrangea hues would be my choice if I'm the winner!


  29. pick would be Hydrangea Hues....they are all very beautiful though...

  30. woodland hues! rich colors! that's my pick to win! thanx for the opportunity to do so.

  31. A very hard choice, but I would pick Hydrangea hues. :)

  32. All the colors are gorgeous, but my favorite is the Sunset Hues group of warm colors. I've always loved dupioni silk but have been afraid to try it. Thanks to both of you for the giveaway.

  33. Oh, lovely! The sunset trio would be a nice addition to my stash! Thanks for the opportunity.

  34. .
    That is a tough call, but I think I like the sunset Hues best! Maybe it is because I am so into fall right now! LOL

  35. Dupioni silk is gorgeous fabrics, and the trio colors are all luscious! I had quite a time trying to decide on just one favorite, but I have to say the Sunset Hues would be the one. But the Lakeside Hues are so beautiful that it's a very close second! I would love to win either of them. Thanks for the giveaway!

    Congratulations to Kim on her win of the Susan Brubaker Knapp DVD!! Lucky woman!

  36. hydrangea or lakeside!
    like both a bunch. Maybe hydrangea is the fav.

  37. Mmmm....sunset hues are gorgeous. I've never worked with silk but would love to learn how!

  38. Gotta go with the Lakeside Hues. All her bundles are stunning.

  39. I'm living the hydrangea hues.

  40. They are all gorgeous! My fav is the Lakeside bundle. Thanks.

  41. They are all beautiful, but I'd choose the Neutral bundle.

  42. My absolute favourite - Hydrangea Hues, just love those blues

  43. Dupioni Silk Assortment C

    $10.00 USD That is my choice. Lovely colors & texture.

  44. They are all so lovely and it's hard to choose. I would choose Sunset Hues. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  45. How beautiful, I would choose the purples and blues

  46. I would love to win the hydrangea hues grouping.

  47. Trying to figure how to post a comment.
    I would love to win the hydrangea hues

  48. I love working with silk - its luster just adds so much to a project. I would pick the neutral hues if I was so lucky to win!

  49. I love the lakeside Hues they would compliment my small stash of silks nicely.

  50. I like the Lakeside Hues. Thanks for the chance!

  51. My favorite is the hydrangea hues!

  52. The Hydrangea Hues make my heart sing!

  53. The Sunset Hues are beautiful. Thanks

  54. These are so beautiful. Sunset hues would be my first choice, although each one of them is quite tempting.

  55. Hydrangea - My mother will love these colors as pillows for her living room sofa. Thanks for the giveaway. Cheryl's book is very good - I recommend it to any of the readers.

  56. Sunset Hues would be my choice, although they were all great! I've never tried silks so this would be a wonderful prize. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  57. I love them all, but Sunset is my favorite! Would live to have that bundle to play with.

  58. Beautiful silks; lovely Etsy shop. I'm so there... with a jewel box colorway!!! Thank you for the chance.

  59. They are all so pretty! My favortie is Hydrangea Hues. Thanks for a chance to win.

  60. I would pick Hydrangea hues if I won. Thanks for the giveaway.

  61. Ohhhhh, Woodland Hues!

    Thank you!

    yogawithgaileee at gmail dot commmmmmmmm

  62. They are all luscious but I think I'd like the Lakeside Hues.

  63. I would pick the Hydrangea Hues bundle. But they all look wonderful!

  64. Wow, I love working with dupioni, and have for several years! I have some of it for crazy quilting, but I always want more colors. I wouldn't care which one I got!

  65. I would go with the Hydrangea Hues. I cannot turn down violets!

  66. I love silk! So luxurious! I LOVE all the colors, but the Sunset Hues are my favorite! What a great give-away! Thanks for the opportunity!

  67. Hydrangea Hues would be my first choice, but I love all of the colors..

  68. They are all so beautiful...I think I would choose Sunset. Thanks for the chance to win!

  69. Tough call, for the silk colors are so rich and gorgeous! I would go for the Neutral Hues because of their greater diversity. My sister just sent me a bundle of her (banker) husbands disguarded out-of-fashion silk ties, and I can't wait until the holidays are over to create something beautiful and unexpected with them!

  70. I love them all, but the Sunset would be lovely! What a great giveaway. I'd love to try these out......thanks :-)

  71. I like the lakeside hues but they are all gorgeous. I would appreciate the tips on taming silk. I've sewn with silk before and while I love the look, I get frustrated with trying to keep it under control. I haven't used it in quilts other than small scraps in crazy patch though. Thanks.

  72. I love the Hydrangea Hues!
    Thanks :)
    kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

  73. I have not quilted with silk. The sunset hues are lovely.

  74. Gorgeous! I would love to win the Dupioni Silk: A Trio of Fat Quarters in Neutral Hues!

  75. I love the Sunset Hue group, I've never quilted on silk, it sounds interesting!

  76. I would choose the Hydrangea group; they're beautiful.

  77. I like the Lakeside hues, so pretty! For sure want to try quilting silk

  78. Love the Sunset hues! Would be fun to make eye pillows! Thanks for the chance!

  79. Those are all luscious, but the sunset hues would be my choice.

  80. I think I would choose Neutral Hues. Thanks for the chance to win and try something new!

  81. Maybe I shouldn't thank you for this giveaway....I went to Cheryl's etsy shop and I bought two packages of silk! and $50.00 later, here I am leaving my post to tell you which collection I would like to win! LOL!! I'm so excited about the thought of the 2012 MQ challenge! Thanks for the info! Thanks for the new source of silk! I would choose the greens!

  82. I love the Sunset Hues. Lovely giveaway!

  83. What great colors! I'm having a hard time deciding between the sunset and the hydrangea. SO pretty!

  84. I like the Lakeside hues. I just picked up some dishes from goodwill and silk trimmed napkins in those colors would look so elegant!

  85. I love the lakeside hues. Thanks,

  86. Definitely the Hydrangea series! Love those purples and blues!

  87. They're all gorgeous, but I'm especially drawn to the Woodland Hues.

  88. Oh man! Oh man! How do you choose a favorite out of all those beauties? I suppose if I must, I would have to go with the Hydrangea series, or maybe the Sunset, but that Woodland is awesome too! Oh me, oh my! The Hydrangea it is!

  89. The Sunset Hues! They remind me of warm summer days, while temperatures are dropping here and a grey, wet sky is above me


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