
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My Favorite Tutorials: EQ7 Creating blocks without drawing

I thoroughly enjoy watching quilty videos on youtube.  And there are several quilty channels on youtube that I subscribe to and Electric Quilt is one of them.

Youtube software makes it easier than using traditional Favorites to see if a new video has been released on any of the channels I like to watch, and many that I like to watch again and again.  For example, I had seen this video on EQ7 about creating blocks without drawing, and I had forgotten about some of the features in EQ7 that are highlighted in this video until I watched it again.

The Serendipity tool in EQ7 is amazing!  Another great reason why it is worth watching Electric Quilt Videos, again and again.  And, if you subscribe to the Electric Quilt channel on youtube you'll be able to easily watch any of their videos easily, whenever you want. And, you'll automatically see when they release new videos too.  Plus, youtube's "social" features now highlights whenever Electric Quilt likes another video, which might be a video you'd like to watch too! 

Yeap, I love EQ and I'm definitely excited about where youtube is heading in the world of social media.

To clarify if you haven't used youtube in awhile you may want to check it out.  They've been making some enhancements to make it more user friendly with more functionality.  And more enhancements are planned too.  The subscribe button is in a more prominent place making it much easier to subscribe, new video description and more.  Rumors are that youtube wants to become more social, thus you'll see more youtube enhancements of this nature in the future.


  1. I have EQ7 and I am so happy you posted about videos as I wasn't even aware of them!! I should be making birthday cake but watching the videos is more fun lol!

  2. Thanks Darlene for posting the videos. I will check them out.

  3. I never thought to look for eq videos before. I hope there are some for eq6!

  4. Thanks for cheering this - I will have a look at them since I've got a EQ7 - that I dont have used very much. A lot to learn :-)


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