
Monday, March 21, 2011

What would you say....?

If you were to find yourself standing in line at Starbucks with a nominee for the Oscars what would you say?  I'd like to think I'd congratulate them on their accomplishment and thank them for creating such a work of art.  It is this sort of recognition that I hope the Golden Quilter Awards will invoke in all of us,  but for far more than the Golden Quilter Awards.  The GQA is a great way for us to virtually recognize those that make a difference in our wonderful world of quilting.  But, when given the opportunity, I'm sure those that make such a difference would love to hear positive feedback from all of us. 

As such, I want to share how delighted I am when I hear someone share with me that they had the opportunity to meet so-and-so, who is a nominee for the 2011 Golden Quilter Awards, or even a winner of the 2010 Golden Quilter Awards, and they congratulated them.  I get just as excited when I see a fellow blogger recognize others on their blogs, or when quilters approach such award winning quilters at a quilt show to say thank you for what they've done. 

So, I hope you can understand if I am a bit busy over the next few weeks.  You see, I'm currently working to send out congratulations notes to all the nominees!  And, of course, I'm working on tallying all the votes. 

To clarify, votes are accepted thru March 31st.  I just need to spend time tallying them so that I can officially announce the winners of the 2011 Golden Quilter Awards early April.  Click here to submit your vote, if you have not yet voted for your favorite nominees.

Thank you for your patience and your support.  I have quite a bit to share, but I also need to keep up with the administrative part of these awards. But, I should have more insights to share later this week.


ps - The page labeled "giveaways" is still being updated a couple of times a week.  There are some great giveaways & contests out there too.