
Saturday, November 13, 2010

Are you a No Reply Blogger/Leave no reply comments?

As the Christmas Quilt Show is just around the corner, and there are loads of prizes, I wanted to heighten awareness that no-reply bloggers (those that leave comments with no way to be contacted) are disqualified to win prizes in this contest, and typically they are disqualified to win prizes in the majority of contests in blogland.  Why?  Because it is very difficult, if not impossible for a blogger to contact someone that has left a comment with settings that in a no-reply status.

Easy workarounds are to leave your email address embedded in your comment, but actually it is easier to verify your default settings have been updated.

If you have a blogger account, to check your settings:
a) go to
b) click on Blogger Settings
c) be sure the box for "Show my email address" is checked.
d) click Save Profile
If you have a Typepad account, or a non-Blogger/non-google account, I haven't found a way for your settings to allow your email address to be captured when you leave a comment on a blogspot blog.  And this goes in reverse for blogspot bloggers that leave comments on Typepad or other non-blogger accounts. Thus, I recommend when you leave a comment on such blogs you remember to leave your email address within your comment.
More tips on these settings, and how to win at giveaways, are available on my page labeled "giveaways and contests" where I also try to share insights on various giveaways and contests.  Just scroll down the page and you'll see various tips.
In a recent giveaway on my blog, as part of the Fall into Fall giveaway, sadly there were many that visited my blog and entered my giveaway.  But as they had no reply settings I couldn't contact them, if they were to win a prize, thus they were disqualified.  Here are some examples: 

Don't be a no-reply blogger/leave no reply comments in the upcoming Christmas Quilt Show.  If you take time to visit my blog and enter a giveaway I'd like you to have a chance at winning.  If you are not sure if your settings are correct, please check them.  If you wish to use this post as a test, feel free to leave a comment and mark "test" in your comment. If you do not hear back from me by November 15th (or within 48 hours of your comment), it is very likely your settings are not correct.


  1. TEST what a star you are to offer this - it is so diccucult to know if you have set up the account correctly.

    As belt and braces, my email is, but I'd love for you to try the 'normal' way. Thanks so much


  2. Test please :) Thankyou for doing this for us, I am fairly sure my settings are good to go, but I always worry about things like this :)

  3. TEST... I have made your recommended changes...I hope I did it right. Am awaiting your reply.
    (kens_jewl at yahoo dot com)

  4. Darlene, I am seeing forward to the Chrismas Quilt Show. It will be so much fun to see all the Christmas quilts.

  5. I'm a "blogger", blogger, but I solved my problems with the other platforms by opening an account with them. I did this years ago, when I first started blogging. When I visit typepad, etc. those bloggers can easily respond or reply to me.

  6. Test, thank you for doing this. I believe my settings are correct.

  7. Test for me, too. It says my e-mail is available but heck, if it means I'd miss something I'd rather know now.

  8. Test. You never know if you set things up right.

  9. TEST. I figure it is always a good idea to "double check" :) Thank you so much for doing this!!!

  10. Quick question - can I only show one quilt for the quilt show? I have made four Christmas quilts this year, and it's hard to pick... it's like having to pick a favorite kid....

  11. Lauretta6 - you are definitely a no reply blogger and there isn't any way for me to contact you.

    Shady - you are a no reply blogger as your settings are with a different blog tool and I'm not aware of any tool that allows these parameters across platforms. Best recommendation has come from Jan P., who shared in comments that she created accounts in the different platforms that then help to ensure her email address is tagged to the comment when she leaves a comment in different blogs.

    Ivory - yes, bloggers can show as many Christmas quilts as they want, but I will limit them to one blog post entry during the show period. Thus, they need to have all their quilts/items in their one post that they'll link in the show.

    I believe everyone else that has commented I've been able to email back directly. But if you haven't heard from me I suspect you are a no reply blogger. But if in doubt leave another comment on this post and I'll reply to it if your settings are set correctly (e.g. not a no reply blogger).


  12. TEST please. I'm so new to this and thought I had things set up properly but after following your directions, I realized that I was a no reply-er!! Hopefully I fixed it but would truly appreciate your double check! THANKS!

  13. Help, I posted my quilt and entered the link, but it is not working. I think I'm # 54 or something close to that. Cat Song Stitchery

  14. Hi, I love your article. This is a informative site and I wanted to post a comment to tell you, good job!

  15. I thought I changed my account so this is a test to make sure my name comes off the no reply list, thanks


Due to recent comments from Spammers, all comments are being moderated. Please expect a delay before your comment appears on this post.

If you are a blogger and receive spam comments, please take time to report them at: as Google does take action to shut down the accounts on such spammers!

It also appears that Google/Blogger has some known problems with leaving comments. Symptoms are kickbacks. I'm investigating and you may also want to investigate the google forum and other sources. So far, this source has info that I'm testing to see if it will resolve the issue:

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.