
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

San Diego Quilt Show - come join me!

Hundreds of beautiful quilts will soon be dropped off at Rosie's Calico Cupboard, where volunteers will help to tag, sort, transport, and display at the San Diego Quilt Show (SDQS).  If you are like me, you are already dreaming about the beautiful quilts that will be on display at this show and wondering which one will be your favorite.  So, I am sure you'll understand why I can't share photos in this post.  But I am going to share  a few photos from the 2009 SDQS, to remind you how wonderful this show really is. And every year it gets better and better, just like every quilter that gets takes advantages of inspiring opportunities!

Sharyn Craig is the guest artist and she will have many quilts on display that reflect quilts from her early quilt days, to more recent quilts.  Sharyn will also provide Gallery Tours where you can learn more about these pieces, and have an opportunity to ask questions and chat directly with Sharyn.  Check out Sharyn's  booth for the schedule of these daily Gallery Tours.

For many years, the SDQS hosts a preview night that is a fundraiser for a local charity.  Preview Nights are a great way to view all the quilts and shop with the vendors, without having large crowds.  Plus, you know your money for these tickets (100%) are going to a great cause.  This year, the funds for the Preview Night will benefit Trauma Intervention Program (TIP), San Diego.  The non-profit TIP Volunteer programs helps individuals and families that have during tramatic situations.

You'll also find many great vendors at this show, many with new products.  I think you'll be able to check out the new book "Fat Quarters Anyonymous" at the Cozy Quilt Shop booth.  And, I hope you'll get a chance to meet "Cozette" in person and check out her bling!

For those living in the area, buses and trolleys are a great way to get to the show.  Underground parking is also available for those that prefer to drive.  Bus groups are also a great way to visit the show, where many bus trips also take time to visit local quilt stores.  It is also very easy to fly in to San Diego to see this show, as the show is held very close to the airport!  And, there are some excellent hotels nearby, all with great rates!

This year there will be many special exhibits, and there will also be special Docent tours where you will get more information about the quilts.  Just be sure to visit the SDQS booth to get more information on these tours.  You'll see quilts made from people of all ages, and a variety of quilting styles.  The Old Town Quilters Guild will also have their frame setup and be working on an historical reproduction quilt.

There will be a lot to see at the San Diego Quilt Show. I do so hope you'll be able to come.  And even better if  you can come join me!  Of course, bring your friends, your family, your quilt guild members. Everyone is welcome.  This is a fun quilt show and San Diego's weather is going to offer sunshine and soft ocean breezes, making it a perfect day!

San Diego Convention Center - Hall H
111 West Harbor Drive
San Diego, CA 

September 16th - 18th, 2010
Thursday & Friday, 10 A.M. to 6 P.M.
Saturday 10 A.M. to 5 P.M.
11 years old and up: 
Single Day Pass $8.00
Three-Day Pass $12.00
4 - 10 years old:  $5.00
3 Years old and under: FREE

Preview Party
Wednesday September 15th, 2010
6 P.M. to 9 P.M.
Admission: $25 pre-order to benefit this years charity.


  1. Oh, that would be so fun to come .... I like the quilts you is amazing the talent out there, it sure makes one wonder if they (meaning me) can ever even do a quilt of that inspiring.

  2. Thanks for sharing the pics and info. Take plenty of photos to share with us after the show!

  3. Now you've got me dreaming about flying out to meet you and seeing this wonderful show. It's not going to happen, but a girl can dream.

  4. Oh my....what fun. I love the photos...keep them coming :)


  5. I have never been to the quilt show in San Diego before...I just went to the Long Beach one. My sons live in San Diego, and we go down every other weekend....maybe I better take in the quilt show while I am down there!!


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