
Sunday, September 5, 2010

Happy Labor Day!

I have been pondering what to share today, to wish everyone a Happy Labor Day.

I took a look at my post last year and decided I had already shared those insights...and wondered if I could find something new.  But my sentiment remains the same.  I do wish you a very Happy Labor Day.

On the personal side, I'm going to be "laboring" in my sewing room with the hopes of sharing insights this coming week on the fruit of my labors!  I also plan on doing a bit of shopping (helping the economy with hopes that more people soon return to the workforce).  As I like to shop with a purpose, I'm shopping for items for September giveaways (one to be offered to my blog followers and one to be offered to my facebook followers)

And, we plan on a BBQ dinner later in the day.

What are you doing for Labor Day?  I hope you have fun, and are able to find time to enjoy and create!


  1. We have no wonderful plans...

    Maybe tomorrow we will walk along the beach...

  2. Hey! Best of sewing days from one sewcalgal to another! I'm sewing too, and enjoying the last day of this summer for me, new kiddos to meet on Tuesday! (Yeah, I know, we are one of the latest starts of the school year in our area.)
    Hugs, Pokey

  3. I get to work 9 to 3 :( but it's a new job & I found out it's time & a half! Sweet!

  4. I will be laboring to finish doing my medical typing for the week (that I do at home since I retired from teaching). Being sick this past week has put me today will be "catch-up" day. We will probably grill something for dinner, but it will be rather an ordinary work-day for me! Enjoy your day.

  5. Since I have only been reading blogs for a few months now, (and been with you from almost the start!) I had to go back to last years entry...very thoughtful- and yes, we sure have come a long way in the work force- and yup, we have a long way to go ;) Will be sewing trim on my daughter's wedding veil today (hmmm, have to look around for the best way to do this!) Sandy

  6. It's Labour Day up here in Canada as well so best wishes all round! I too will be labouring in my sewing room - let's just say I have to if I ever want to sew again! It's Fall - time to get organized!

  7. I am planning on gardening in the morning. Shopping in the afternoon and having a b-b-q at my house. Very busy, but fun. Enjoy your day.

  8. Well, it is raining a bit, but our neighbors decided to close off the dead end street and have a block party and of course prepping for the kids to return to school tomorrow!

  9. My labor for the day is to hem pants for my husband...why does he think I can hem just because I quilt?

  10. Our neighborhood has an annual pic nic. It was fun and we won the pie making contest. Woo hoo....but I have to say that was not too dificult to do....afterall Grandma made it this morning!!! LOL


  11. I, too labored in my sewing room, trying to finish up projects. I know I'll be getting my SewCalGal prize from the Pets on Quilts contest, a kit to make three adorable quilted bags. So I want to be ready to work on those when they arrive! Thanks again, SewCalGal!

  12. I went fishing and didnt catch a thing,but would have rather been quilting


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