
Monday, September 27, 2010

AccuQuilt Theme Blog Hop - Tips, Tutorials, Videos and Giveaway(s)

I'm participating in a Blog Hop this week where ten Bloggers with AccuQuilt products will share their insights and inspiration on AccuQuilt products.  Each participant has been asked to share insights, on their designated day.  You'll find some may share beautiful quilts that they've made with their AccuQuilt products, whereas some may share tips, tutorials, videos or even host a giveaway....but all the bloggers will have a common theme in that this Blog Hop is about AccuQuilt!    This event is something we all wanted to do, and is not a sponsored Blog Hop by AccuQuilt.

I wanted to share insights on the Tumbler Die, a tip for fussy cutting with an AccuQuilt, and a giveaway I hope you will want to enter to win!

The Tumbler die (#55020) for the AccuQuilt GO  cuts a 6 1/2"x 6 1/2" tumbler that finishes to a 6" tumbler block.  There are a variety of designs you can create with this die, from using the Tumblers in a row quilt, in borders, etc ..  I wanted to make a scrappy Halloween theme charity quilt, for a little kid. 


I like to mark my dies using a silver Sharpie permanent marker as it helps me identify placement of fabric on the die, to minimize waste.  I also like the "silver" Sharpie better than any other color, as it shows up better in pictures.  I've also started drawing lines 1/4" from the blades, to help with fabric placement.  These lines are used when I cut strips of fabric, or fan fold my fabric on top of the die.  As this die creates a 6 1/2"x 6 1/2" cut I'm willing to have scrap that is no more than 1/4" inch on each side, but I typically end up with ~1/8" inch scrap.  My trick is I precut strips the WOF at a 6 3/4" or, if I'm lazy or really don't care, I'll cut a 7" strip which leaves a 1/4" on each side of the blades of this die.
I layered six different scrap fabrics and cut my 7" strips and laid this stack on top of the die, with one end of the strip laying off one side.  You simply place the mat on top and roll the die thru the GO!  As you can see I end up with minimal scrap waste.

I also flipped my strip of fabric with each cut, where RSOF was up or down, depending on the angle of the cut vs the die, to minimize scrap.

It is difficult to see where your fabric will be cut, when you place your fabric on top of the die.  But here is a way to fussy cut with an AccuQuilt. First, I get a sheet of freezer paper that will completely cover the die.  I trace the outside of my die and cut a piece that perfect covers my die.  I then add that freezer paper to the top of my die, cover it with a mat, and use my GO! to cut the paper.   I can then place that freezer paper over the fabric that I want to fussy cut.  You may even want to iron it down, but I'm comfortable just holding it to where I want it and treat it like a viewing window. 

I lay my fabric on top of the die, place the cut freezer paper on top and line up the corners of the freezer paper with the corners of the die, being sure the cut freezer paper design is in the same layout as the die blades (e..g wide part of the tumbler die needs to be on the same side as the wide part of the paper).

If the freezer paper viewing window doesn't show the fabric I want to fussy cut, I wiggle the fabric underneath till I get the fabric to line up the way I want.  Once I have the fabric positioned correctly I remove the freezer paper and set it aside.  Then I place the mat on top of the fabric and slide everything thru my GO!

And I end up with an easy way to fussy cut fabric with an AccuQuilt.  I can also do this cutting multiple layers, each fussy cut, but I'll save those tips for another day, as this is a long post today {sorry}.

I wanted to add a giveaway to this Blog Hop to make it more fun.  I do hope you like this prize, and that it will also give some lucky winner a way to play with accurately cut fabrics cut with the GO!

The prize is 150 AccuQuilt cut tumbler blocks, using scrappy Halloween fabrics.  This is more than needed to make a 48"x78" quilt top  using this free pattern from AccuQuilt.

To enter to win, simply leave a comment.  And be sure I can contact you if you win. No reply bloggers will not be eligible to win, unless you have your email in your comment.  Not sure if your settings are correct - click on my giveaway page and you'll find tips about the middle of the page. 
While it only takes one comment to win, but if you want more chances, here are some opportunities:

1) Blog about the AccuQuilt Theme Blog hop and leave a comment.  If you already did, just let me know.  PR for this Blog Hop is appreciated.  Thank you!

2) If you are on the Team of Bloggers with AccuQuilt products (your site should be listed on the right hand column of my blog), you can leave a comment showing you are part of this team, for an extra entry.  Not part of this team, but want to join ?  Check out the page on this blog with the tab "Bloggers with AccuQuilt Products".  You can sign up, but you won't be eligible for the extra point in this giveaway {sorry, they'll be other times}.

3) Visit all of the Bloggers participating in this AccuQuilt Theme Blog Hop, to see what they share on their respective day in this hop.  On the lst, after you've visited all the blogs, come back here and leave a comment to let me know you did so, for an extra entry.

4) Be a follower of SewCalGal and leave a comment, for an extra entry.

5) Be a follower of all the blogs participanting in this Blog Hop, and leave a comment, for an extra entry.
That gives you five ways to get an entry.  You can win with just one entry, but six definitely gives you better odds.  Good luck!
I'll randomly select a winner on October 3rd.
Now, I hope you'll GO! have fun visiting all the blogs that are participating in this Blog Hop.  Stay tuned, as on the last day of this Blog Hop., Friday, October lst, AccuQuilt will be sharing insights on their new Bundle of Joy and many of the Bloggers will AccuQuilt products will also be helping to spread the good news too.
Monday, September 27th
SewCalGal   {who you are visiting today}
Spring Water Designs

Tuesday, September 28th
Marjorie's Quilting Bee
Cotton Cocktails

Wed., September 29th
Love Bug Studios
Spun Sugar Quilts

Thur., September 30th
Quilted Inspirations
Fabrics N Quilts

Friday., October lst
Beautiful Seams
Sew Fun Quilts


  1. I'll second the Silver Sharpie. It makes marking the die much easier to see. I've also toyed with the idea of drawing reference lines to aid in fabric placement.

  2. These are great tips for using the tumbler die. Thanks for making them so easy to follow.

  3. I love the fussy cutting tip! Thanks :)

  4. The tumblers would make a fun quilt. Hope I win!

  5. Oh no, am I first? Doesn't seem to be a good place to be. But it doesn't matter. I'm ready to jump on the wagon. I'd love to have those pre-cut tumblers. So please drop my name in the hat! dmj53(at)hotmail(dot)dom

  6. Thanks for the great insights about using the AccuQuilt GO! This little machine is really revolutionizing the quilting world :-)

  7. Thank you for the info on the fussy cutting tech. very helpful.

  8. I have been a follower. Thanks for the extra giveaway

  9. I would love to see how the GO cuts perfectly! Thanks for the chance to win!

  10. I am already a faithful follower of SewCalGal!

  11. Your Halloween tumblers look like fun to sew together. Since I can't afford an AccuQuilt Go, this would be the next best thing to win. Thanks for the opportunity!

  12. I love tumbler quilts and they look great in Halloween colors.

    Thanks for the information on fussy cutting with the Go!

  13. I already follow a few of the blogs in the hop and now I follow the rest :)

  14. Thank you for the chance to win. I have always wanted to make a tumbler quilt.

  15. So fun! That was a great tip on making a fussy cut template. I just love the ingenuity of AccuQuilt Bloggers! :)

  16. That is a wonderful tip about the fussy-cutting. Very cool.

  17. I'm on the Accuquilt Team, listed on the right hand side. =)

  18. Thank you so much for the info about fussy cutting. I've recently purchased a GO! and am having a great time with it. Thank you also for the chance to win. I've been a follower for awhile now.

  19. Hi, your tutorial for the tumbler block is great! I don't own a Go yet, I keep trying to win one:) This blog hop will help me learn more about the Go, and what types of projects I can make with it! Thank you for taking the time to do this blog hop!

  20. Great tip with the Freezer Paper! The silver sharpie is also much easier to see than black.

    This is going to be a great week!

  21. It is so nice of you to add a give-away to this post. And, that you are enjoying your AccuQuilt so very much. ~karen

  22. Happily, I am already a follower! ~karen

  23. I never gave it a thought about "fussy cutting" with the GO. Great, great tip and one I'll use.

    Thank you so much, Darlene.

  24. Thank you so very much for the tips on minimizing waste and FUSSY CUTTING! These would make an awesome addition to my expanding library of dies. Thanks again. Now I have to go try it with my simple squares. :-)

  25. I just purchased the tumbler dye and can't wait to try a holiday quilt.

  26. Love the fussy-cut technique. I want to make an I-Spy quilt for the granddaughter and this is the way to do it. Thanks for sharing!

  27. Thank you for posting about the silver sharpie. I also have the dark foam and have only seen black used in other tutorials. The silver really photographs well.

  28. I am really thinking about buying a Go! It looks so fun!

  29. The tumbler die is one of my favorites too.. You make things look soooo easy...thanks...
    April of

  30. It looks like you could make "candy corn" patterns into a quilt, place mat, wall hanging, etc. with this die cut.

  31. Great tips! Now I hope I win a GO! so I can use them! LOL

  32. I love the Halloween peeps....they are just too much fun.

    The Silver Sharpie really does show up well....I'm going to trace over mine again....thanks for that tip.

    You know I'm going to do everything to get my name in that hat as many times as possible. I don't have a single piece of Halloween Fabric....isn't that just a crying shame? LOL


  33. Great tip on the fussy cutting. Now I just need to win a "GO", so I can get GOing on all the projects I have in mind.

  34. Love your tutorial :)
    And what a nice giveaway, please enter me.

  35. Love your fabric, this is a great tutorial thanks SewGal for sharing!

  36. Great tips for marking the dies. I didn't know there was such a beast as as silver sharpie....I need to go shopping. Thanks!

  37. Great tutorial. I love the idea of the wax paper "window" to use as a cutting guide.

  38. Love the fussy cutting tip!

  39. I'm a follower of you. I've had you on my list of favorite blogs for a while now.


  40. Brilliant instructions, now all I need is a go cutter to follow them with. Next best thing is to win the give away.

  41. I love the possibilities with the tumbler die! I am a follower in Google Reader.

  42. The Tumbler Die could make a candy corn quilt too for Halloween! Great tutorial. Thanks for sharing!

  43. I never would have thought to use freezer paper to make a window like that! I would have been sitting there trying to feel THROUGH the fabric. Thanks for the tips!

  44. This is fun! thanks for a chance for those delightful tumblers ;)Sandy

  45. Second comment: I am a follower! sandy

  46. Great idea for fussy cutting! And since I love tumbler quilts and Halloween, the blocks will be right up my alley!

  47. Great idea for fussy cutting! And I'd love to win the blocks -

  48. Great idea on the freezer paper viewing window! I have my dies marked with black, but will pick up a silver marker for my next die.

  49. Loved the tutorial, and many of your other comments on FB. Great idea to "spotlight" Accuquilt. I am looking forward to reading more. Thanks.

  50. I now follow your blog! Thanks again.

  51. The tumblers are so cute...if I ever get a Go!, it's one of the dies I want. Nice tutorial.

  52. Thanks for your tutorial and giveaway. I hope to have an Accuquilt Go someday and your tutorial would make things easier!

  53. I' love to try some pieces cut with an accuquilt go.

  54. Fun to read about what the GO can do! Hope I'll own one someday! Thanks for a chance to win!!

  55. I postd about the Blog Hop on my blog

  56. What a great week it is going to be with all these wonderful tips and ideas.

  57. Ok, i've got this die and I love your tips!! Thanks so much! Polly

  58. Love this giveaway, can't wait to see the other blogs.

  59. I love the tumbler block. Thanks for the tutorial. Winona

  60. Love the tutorial, and the idea for using the silver marker is great.

  61. I am a follower, and I just love your blog

  62. The first die I bought was the tumbler. I use a friend's GO so would really like to win one of my own. I think the tumbler would make a great flowerpot don't you?

  63. I've enjoyed today's visits, thanks so much.

  64. Nice tutorial...a guild member who just got an acu-cut was wondering how she might fuzzy cut so I am sending her a link...

  65. wow with all the fall hops somehow I missed this one, will try and blog about it tonight when I get home, provided no one else has "plans" for my time. depennding on what's going on aat home I may not get it blogged in time for yours but definitely for the rest of the week!

  66. Great tip on the fussy cutting using the paper. Thanks. I'm working on my pictures for Friday's blog & my turn.

    I posted on FB and Twitter, and my blog. Great week for bloggers!

    Judy (aka sewfunquilts)

  67. I have the information on both my blogs, and

  68. I am a follower of all the sites listed, after all you always follow the good blogs...

  69. can't put in for the team member because I don't have a Accuquilt GO yet, BOOOOO HOOOOO, but I am working on it, if I don't win one I am hoping hubby feels sorry for me and buys me one for Christmas, then I will join the group.

  70. thanks for you tips ! and for the chance to win the tumblers !

  71. I now follow your blog ! oops forgot my email address before

  72. THanks Darlene. Seems there is always something new to learn as people experiment with their GOs. I don't have one yet...I keep entering giveaways though LOL. Would love the tumblers..have always wanted to make a tumbler quilt.

  73. My grandkids would LOVE for granma to make them a Halloween quilt with those cute tumbler blocks!

  74. Thanks for the tip about the fussy cutting, it's great. I'm learning so much about my GO. I write with a sharpie on the back of my die the size of the die and the size of the precut I need, saves a little time. I need to get a silver sharpie, my black lines are fading.

  75. I am glad you and the fellow bloggers are doing this...I just ordered a GO today!

  76. I am glad you are doing this ...I just ordered a GO today!

  77. Thank you for the great tips - like using a silver sharpie (I'm always getting black) - and - the fussy cut preview window. Please enter me into the drawing (I do not have a GO! - yet). I KNOW that your tumblers will be precisely cut. mlwright29 (at) hotmail (dot) com

  78. What a great tutorial! I just have to win that GO! so that I can try it myself!;) I would like to win your blocks just in case though!=)

  79. I'm a daily reader of your blog and now a follower.

  80. What a great tutorial! And giveaway!!! Thanks for sharing!

    Teresa :)

  81. That tumbler die is the first one I want to get when I get my GO! cutter, either by winning it or from Santa :) Thanks for the great tutorial. Looks fun and I would definately use the fabric to make a quick quilt.

  82. I am following all of the bloggers in the hop :)

  83. I'm blogging about the giveaway and hop.

  84. Thanks for the great demo! I love seeing all the great tips from the GO! users :)


  85. I love my go and have just the place for a cute Halloween quilt (my favorite holiday). Please pick me for the tumbler die. I also use silver sharpies to mark my dies - such a great help - I figured it out myself!

  86. Great tips! Looking forward to making a fussy cut tumbler quilt. Hmmm. Maybe two!

  87. I love the fabric and also want to thank your for sharing.

  88. I follow your blog. My birthday is usually celebrated with a Halloween cake, so hope have some luck. mlwright29 (at) hotmail (dot) com

  89. Have not done alot with the tumbler, used it in border and making string blocks to cut with the tumbler die. Would love to give your tumblers a new home.

  90. Already a follower of yours. Glad to find this blog hop geared toward AccuQuilt - all but 3 blogs are new to me.

  91. I want to make a tumbler block quilt so badly! This would make it so much easier! LOL

    Sandy A

  92. I am already a follower of your blog.
    Sandy A

  93. Those fabrics are great!! I would love to win those tumblers!!

  94. I've blogged about your hop :) Yippee another chance!!

  95. I'm already a follower -love your posts!

  96. Love the idea of a cut fabric giveaway - the next best thing to having my own GO... almost! :-)

  97. Great if I only had a Go!Cutter! The Halloween tumblers would make a great Linus quilt...thanks for the chance to win!

  98. great tips. I need to go get a silver sharpie...I used black and it doesn't show real well. I need to start a file for tips. thanks for doing a give-a-way.

  99. whoops. I think I erased my comment so I'll try again. Thanks for the great tips. I need to start a file for them. I need to get a silver sharpie...I used black and it doesn't show real well. Thanks for doing a give-a-way

  100. I am a follower and love the accuquilt...wish I have one!

  101. Now a follower of all the blogs participanting in this Blog Hop

  102. Thanks for the Tumbler tips. Like how you made a guide for fussy cutting. And thanks for this blog hop, I'm a new GO owner and need all the help I can get.

  103. Thanks for the tutorial.
    I especially like the trick for fussy cutting.
    Sue.quilts at

  104. Love the silver sharpie tip and especially the tip about marking 1/4" from the blades.

    Also, very cute tumbler quilt. I don't have that die yet...

  105. what a clever giveaway, and a great tutorial to boot. Please enter me for the giveaway drawing.

  106. I visited the other shops in the hop and now I am following them too! There are some really great blogs out there!

  107. What a fun giveaway! I've always wanted to try making a tumbler quilt.


  108. how cute. I love tumbler quilts and would love something with a halloween theme.

  109. What a clever way to fussy cut! It mmakes perfect sense, once you explain it (okay, I admit it - there was a forehead slap as soon as I read it!).

    Thanks for your generous giveaway - now, go pick me, 'k?

  110. Thanks for the chance! Your tips will come in handy when I play with my GO cutter. It's in hiding at the moment.

  111. I am a follower - thanks for the tutorial - something to remember if I ever get a GO!

  112. Thanks for the wonderful pointers especially on how to place fabric on the dies. Like the silver Sharpie idea, too. I love the tumbler block so your giveaway is very appealing. Thanks for your work on this blog hop!

  113. I'm a happy follower of your blog:)Again, thank you!

  114. Darlene, thanks for all the tips...I like the fussy cut blocks for all the printed fabrics. I like to add the tumbler die to my wish list.

  115. Love the blog hop and your lovely Halloween pieces.

  116. Looks like fun! The sharpie tip is the best, I've struggled to see the lines with the two dies I'm using, but, you know, they are borrowed.

  117. I'm a follower, and a BIG fan!!!

    I can't figure out how to follow this blog. Can you help me? there isn't a follow button there, so I just copied and pasted it into my own blog sidebar thingy, not the normal follow, but hey, I can still keep up with what is going on :)

  119. Loved your tutorial. Goes to show that you can teach an old dog new tricks!

  120. Love the info on how to fussy cut! Thanks.

  121. I went to Spun Sugar Quilts and have really enjoyed her Peppermint Path Quilt. Cute pattern. So yes, I've visited that blog now. dmj53(at)hotmail(dot)com

  122. I've visited the LoveBug Studios Blog and really enjoyed reading about the Gift Card Die. I think it's so neat that AccuQuilt is watching out for all of our interests. dmj53(at)hotmail(dot)com

  123. I thought I was on you list of bloggers who love Accuquilt Products but I don't see me listed. I have the button...I thought I emailed..anyway, check Also I would love for you to answer my question. How big is the narrow end of the tumbler. I have a project in mind and need to know. THANKS. Jo

  124. Enter me again!!! I put a button on my blog for your Hop....I'm still loving that Halloween fabric :)


  125. Great tutorial and tips, thanks so much!

  126. Oh and I follow your blog too. :)

  127. I'm delighted to know how to fussy cut with the Accucut system! Thanks so much.

  128. Nice tutorial.
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    blessed.mama4 at

  129. follow your blog
    blessed.mama4 at

  130. sashaquilts@centurytel.netSeptember 29, 2010 at 8:25 AM

    Cool tip - now why didn't I think of that?

    SGT Sue in MO

  131. Love how you did the fussy cutting on the tumblers! So cute!

  132. Thanks for sharing some tips involving the tumbler die. If I am ever fortunate to have a GO, that is one die I would like to have.

  133. Wow that looks like great fun. I'd love to win that. Thanks so much for the info.

  134. As a new Go owner, your tip about outlining and fussy cutting is very welcome. The tumbler die is now on my wish list.

  135. Thanks for the chance to win the pre-cut tumblers. The tumbler die is on my wish list.

  136. I do not have the patience to cut out a beautiful quilt like you did

  137. I think the tumbler blocks are a great prize!! I love sewing them together. Thanks for the tip using freezer paper to fussy cut fabric. I tried laying it on and took way to much time!! Thanks

  138. Wonderful learning experience. I loved it and I intend to become one of your followers,

  139. I love your blog and am now a Follower!! I look forward to reading it each day.

  140. LOVE all the different fabrics, and I LOVE my GO! tumbler die as well! Thanks for having a giveaway!

  141. I love my accuquilt Go! And the tumbler die. I like your choice of fall fabric.

  142. I borrowed a friend's GO and used this die. I love it! Would love to win your Halloween blocks too.

  143. I am a new follower, I have not purchased a GO (yet) but am saving up for one.- cw

  144. Thanks for showing us how to fussy cut and for organising the blog hop!

  145. Wow! What a great giveaway! Wish there was enough for everybody!

  146. Great tips and thanks for the chance to win.

  147. Love the tips! Love the contests!

  148. Great tips for using the GO! Thank you! And thank you for the giveaway!

  149. Thanks for the ideas about the tumbler die and this great BlogHop idea, as well. I've discovered so many blogs that I didn't know existed thanks to these posts.

  150. I love how you used that Halloween fabric with the die!

  151. I sent an email the other day to be added to the blogger list and got my button up today... I just posted my first Go post (a review). Thanks.

  152. Thank you for the tutorial, it's really interesting!!!!, wish I can afford to have an Accuquilt, I hope it happens one day soon, crossing my fingers, but until the big day arrives, I'm having fun with the tutorials hop

  153. Thanks for the tutorial, especially the great tips on fussy cutting.

  154. Thank you for the tutorial and for your generosity in sharing such a lot of goodies. Much appreciated. Thats a lot of stuff.

  155. what an awesome tip. i will have to remember the sharpie if i ever get one of these. thanks for the giveaway!

    tracy dawson

  156. Visit all of the Bloggers participating in this AccuQuilt Theme Blog Hop and left comments on their day.
    Have really enjoyed this hop, and learned several new tips on using my GO. Thank You for putting this altogether.

    Love the smaller tumbler die that they came out with, have already pre-ordered it. Now just need a smaller applecore die.

  157. I visited all the participants; I'd like to tell you this has been very informative for me. I like seeing the unique and creative styles of these other bloggers in using their GO and reading about their tips; if I ever win a GO it would come in handy! ;)

  158. I thought I already was a follower, but it seems not, so I've just signed up and become one.

  159. As the song goes, "I've bin everywhere, man, I've bin everywhere".. and I commented when I got there, so please can I have another entry?

  160. Hi Darlene,
    Thanks so much for hosting the blog hop! I have visited each site and enjoyed the posts. I read on your site about the Swap later this month! That's a fabulous idea! I've often thought that I would like some fabric cut into a certain shape, but not sure I would want to purchase the die. Of course, I need my own cutter. I do have access to a studio cutter, but it's not the same as having my own.

    Have a great weekend!

  161. Travelled over all the blogs & commented, too. They were all so informative.

  162. Phew - just finished commenting on all the blogs - great ideas and inspiration everywhere!

  163. Thanks for the chance to win. it would be great. my email is...

  164. This was the most helpful tutorial I've ever read about the Accuquilt = the freezer paper idea is just pure genius!

  165. my blog is listed on your sidebar as one who likes Accuquilt

  166. I commented on all the blogs! :)

  167. Can I join in from the UK??

  168. I have visited all the blogs on the hop and left a comment!
    thanks for organizing this.


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