
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

AccuQuilt GO! Chisel Die

I've been having fun cutting up scraps with the AccuQuilt GO! Chisel die.    I have fallen in love with the design options, ease of use, accuracy, and speed that I've found with the AccuQuilt GO! and with this die.  Love it! 
Depending on how you place your fabric on this particular die you get a different result in how the points of this die will appear on your block.  To clarify, if you manually cut a chisel design you get different results if your fabric print is facing up or facing down when you cut it. The same goes when you cut fabric on the GO! for this die.  I decided, in advance, that I wanted to cut all my fabric with the print facing up, to ensure the points are in the same direction (for me I wanted points of the chisel desig to be on the left side of the cut fabric).
This die cuts a chisel design that measures 3 1/2"W x 6 1/2"H (9 cm x 16 cm).  When finished, the sewn size of this chisel is  3"W x 6"H (7.6 cm x 15.2 cm). 

I decided to create a block using the chisel die, with fabric cut in a dark & light combination, combined with GO! Half Square 3" finished triangle.
I created a variety of scrappy blocks.
And very quickly these scrappy  eye spy type of  blogs created a quilt top, full of puppy dog, cats, fish and various pet theme fabrics.  I just need to add some borders and I can sandwich this top to quilt this for some little kid (e.g. Linus quilt).
I have many ideas for ideas on making quilts with the chisel die.  But, I must admit this simple quilt was so easy and fast to put together I'm truly amazed. 

While I'm sharing insights about AccuQuilt, I want to two more fun insights:

The week of August 27th - October lst there is going to be a fun Blog Hop that you won't want to miss.  Several bloggers that love AccuQuilt are participating and we'll be sharing tips, tutorials, videos, and giveaways all associated with AccuQuilt products.  You can always get current info on what this group is up to by clicking on the page (at the top of my blog) labeled "Bloggers with AccuQuilt Products".  For this blog hop, our line up of blogs we hope you will visit are:

Monday, September 27th

Tuesday, September 28th

Wed., September 29th
Thur., September 30th
Quilted Inspirations
Fabrics N Quilts

Friday., October lst
Sew Fun Quilts

And, there will be some special announcements shared on October lst.  For now, all I know is that  AccuQuilt is expecting:

And here is  a super cute video that I think will bring a chuckle:


Yeap, October lst is GOing to be an exciting day.  And, I hope you'll have fun blog hopping right up to this special day.  
Oh My!  This is just a few days away.  I better get GOing making more baby quilts!

Want to win an an AccuQuilt GO!?  Check out my page (see the top of this blog for the tab labeled "giveaways & contests" as i try to share insights on giveaways & contests, especially those dealing with an AccuQuilt GO!  This page gets updated several times each week, so do check back.  Also, become a fan of AccuQuilt on facebook as they tend to have a giveaway for a GO! every Friday.


  1. Wait a minute....with that view out your window, how do you manage to get any work done? I'm picking up the new small drunkard's path die I ordered Saturday, so I'll be 'on the GO' this weekend. Sadly though, when I look out my studio window, the only water I see is if the neighbor across the street is watering their lawn.

  2. I, too, am going to comment on the view. I'm wondering how you can pay attention to keep your fabrics right side up with a view like that to distract you!!! LOL

  3. What a view! Thanks for showing what the chisel die can do, love that quilt! A great way to use up scraps!
    Do we have to patiently wait for the big reveal? Will it be a girl or a boy? :))

  4. I really like how those chisel die pieces went together...and created a great design

  5. What a great quilt! I keep reading how fun the machine is.

    Can't wait to see the new arrival!

  6. Very cute quilt! What did you use to make the white lines on your die?

  7. Sounds like a wonderful week of great information and lots of prizes....we all love prizes :)


  8. Soooo Cute! Can't wait to see what's "Going" to pop out!!!

  9. The Chisels die is the NEXT one I WILL get. thank you for sharing this fun quilt, Darlene.

  10. Couldn't figure out where else to put this. I had the blogger link to my blog even though I don't have an accuquilt YET! I am stock piling the ideas and hoarding my money to buy one by Christmas (hopefully long before). I have seen the GO in action and have many wonderful online friends that have them. I hope that you will at least allow me to share the link until I get mine.


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