
Sunday, August 1, 2010

Spiderweb Quilt Tutorial


    I found this great tutorial, by Quilt It, for a spiderweb quilt. Of course, I had to put it on my list of favorite tutorials.  Excellent.  I do hope you'll pop on over to Quilt It to check out.  They also have a delightful blog.


    1. Thanks for sharing this. BTW I don't know if it is just me but your words beneath "Post a Comment" are all in Japanese!

      日本のポスト〔郵便〕は受け入れ難いリンクでのスパムのために歓迎されません。 あなたの時間を浪費しないでください、それらが報告されて、取り除かれる時

    2. Super tutorial! I have been saving the selvages...have seen many projects with them, and maybe something with the web would be cool. Thanks! Sandy

      Lis is right, the words beneath Post a Comment are all boxes.....

    3. I can't wait to make a spider-web something...great tutorial, thanks for sharing!

    4. Great tutorial Darlene...Have to add to my to do list which is growing and growing!! lol

    5. My goodness, Lis is right, the words under your "post a comment" are all in Japanese. That is a great tutorial and a wonderful quilt, it is on my list to make.


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