
Friday, August 13, 2010

Pets on Quilts Show - Lotte Klint

This cute cat and quilt, was submitted by Lotte Klint.  Her cat's name is Findus.  Such an interesting name.  Lotte, is not a blogger, so she  submitted this entry via email,  with the following insight:

I would like to enter one of my cats, Findus, in the Pets on quilts-show. This is the back of a quilt for my mothers 80th birthday, on the front are photos of her (human) family, but apparently Findus likes the back with the cat families better.

Go directly to the show to view more quilts. 

I've extended the deadline out for non-bloggers to submit entries to me, as I haven't found it to be as much work as I had thought (consolidating them with the other entries).  Thus, the new deadline for non-bloggers to enter is Friday, 8/13 midnight! 

Bloggers will continue to be able to enter thru August 21st, but as a special post will be made this Saturday, to open up voting for Viewers Choice, there is clearly an advantage of getting your entry in sooner than later! 

To review the rules for this show click here.

 To see the list of prizes click here.  Note, as of 8/12 there are still a few more prizes that I need to add to this list.


  1. That is soooooo cute, what a beautiful cat.. I am really enjoying these on the blogs and on your blog...facebook...just fun. You really hit a home run with this Pet Contest.

  2. What a gorgeous cat! Such beautiful long fur! The back of that quilt is awesome. I am sure the front is equally wonderful!

  3. That is a gorgeous cat...He looks so regal on that quilt!

  4. Findus is one good looking feline, what a beautiful coat

  5. Findus is just beautiful. I bet he takes a lot of grooming though. Thanks for showing him to us.

  6. Findus is so royal - just a lovely cat!

  7. Findus has a beautiful coat!!

    Thank you for sharing your quilt!


  8. Of course Findus likes the back better, especially if it's a family quilt. He's really beautiful and so is the quilt. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Findus is very pretty. Your quilt backing looks great.

  10. Findus seems to like the canine family tree better than the human! Too funny!What a wonderful gift you gave your mother for her 80th! Kudos!
    nsue21702 at gmail dot com

  11. Love the colors of this quilt, and this is the back of the quilt. I can only imagine what the front looks like. Your cat is so cute.

  12. Wow the back of the quilt looks beautiful! And Findus obviously likes it too!

  13. Great picture. I love the bright backing.


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