
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Pets on Quilts Show - Judy Leftwich

These beautiful quilts were submitted by Judy Leftwich.  The first one was made as a memory quilt, of her dog Irish.  Also shared is a cute photo of Irish, proudly sitting on top of another lovely quilt that Judy made.  Judy, is not a blogger, so she submitted this entry via email, with the following insight:

"Irish was part of our family for many years and the quilt says I Should'a had dogs, meaning dogs are easier to raise than kids."

Go directly to the show to view more quilts.  Bloggers can continue to enter this show thru August 21st. 
For information on the rules for this show and learning how to enter a quilt click here.
 To see the list of prizes click here.  Note, as of 8/12 there are still a few more prizes that I need to add to this list.


  1. Oh...that firsst quilt is just wonderful....

  2. The doggie quilt is way to cute/

  3. Adorable quilts. Thanks for sharing them and of course sharing that wonderful picture of Irish. No matter how long we have them with us - it is never long enough.

  4. I love the idea of working in words into your first quilt! Great job!

  5. Cute quilts! Cute dog! My Dad would agree with you, he should have stuck with dogs:)LOL

  6. Your memory quilt is just beautiful!!

    Thank you for sharing your quilt!


  7. Both your quilts are great! Irish obviously loved your quilting!

  8. Irish is beautiful, they steal our hearts. The Doggie kisses quilt says it all.

  9. Your quilts are beautiful. What a wonderful way to remember Irish.

  10. Love your memory quilt and the wonderful picture of Irish.

  11. The minute I saw your quilt I started to laugh, it is just too cute. I love it.

  12. Judy,
    Your memory quilt, and the quilt that Irish is sitting on are great! Thank you for sharing your quilts with us and thank you for sharing your love for Irish with us. Looks like poochie was a great family member :)
    nsue21702 at gmail dot com

  13. Great quilt, I really like the one that Irish is on.


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