
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Pets of Quilts Show: Dana Gaffney's Brady Bug

This cute guy is Brad Bug, the four legged child of Dana Gaffney.  Dana submitted this entry via Facebook, with the following insight:

Here's my entry in the Pets on Quilts contest. This is Brady Bug who was thrilled to find a quilt on the floor, normally the dogs have to sneak up on them. I've even had Brady try to run off with one while I was sewing it. Brady came to us as a rescue, very sick with mange. After a year of love look how beautiful he is. I made the quilt using an X block. I like bright colors and this one turned out great. Thank you so much for opening the contest to non-bloggers. I know it makes your job a little more difficult. Just want you to know how much I appreciate it.

Click here for more info on the Pets on Quilts Show.


  1. Ah, Brady is a sweetheart. Love to hear when someone takes in a pet, loves it, cares for it and the pet becomes a family member.

  2. Brady Bug knows a beautiful quilt when he see's one! Bless you for rescueing such a wonderful animal - he obviously just needed to be loved AND to be near quilts!

  3. He is beautiful, and so is the quilt. Thankyou for showing them to us.

  4. Dana, He certainly looks comfy there. And running off with your quilts! How funny!! He's a beautiful dog. Lucky you!

  5. Brady looks so healthy now and it looks like he loves his quilt.

  6. Brady is beautiful and is blessed to have found you when he needed rescuing.

  7. Beautiful quilt! Brady Bug is a beauty too. I can just see him sneaking up on a quilt and taking off with it! Too funny!

  8. what a beautiful quilt and dog! my dog, too, was a rescue and had mange. Thanks for rescuing him and creating such a beautiful quilt.
    A new quilter and dog lover,

  9. I love this pattern - its so old fashion and yet the colors make it fun! Great job!

  10. Brady knows how to find beautiful quilts!

  11. Brady sure looks comfortable :)

    Thank you for sharing your quilt!


  12. Wonderful bright colours! Brady looks very well loved!

  13. Brady and I want to thank all of you for the wonderful comments. I've already given him a prize for being such a great dog. Sshhhh, don't tell him it's not over.

  14. Brady Bug is adorable. It looks like he's enjoying the quilt.

  15. Oh, Brady, you have a beautiful coat now! I'm sure he is so loved!
    Love the quilt, and it looks as though you have a great quilting buddy!
    nsue21702 at gmail dot com

  16. Brady Bug looks quite comfortable on your beautiful quilt.

  17. Brady Bud is adorable. Thank goodness to you for bringing him into your home. I love the use of your bright colors, your quilt looks fabulous.
    I can just picture Brady trying to snag your quilt as you were stitching. Too funny.

  18. THanks Marcia , so cute pets too.


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