
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Great opportunities for Electric Quilt Users

You may recall me sharing this is the "Summer of EQ7".  Well I'm still having a blast with the new EQ7 software and am enjoying hearing from others that are enjoying ittoo!  This is such a great sosftware pakage that helps you design beautiful quilts (and other items), as well as play with fabrics without having to go audition in a quilt store.  Love it!

To my delight, plans are underway to make 2011 even more fun. Have you heard that Electric Quilt is hosting a a 10 Day / 9 Night Caribbean Cruise - January 28-February 6, 2011?  Yes, this fun cruise is going to get everyone out of their winter clothes, off enjoying warm tropic sunshine and water during the dreary days of winter.  And, it gets even better...they'll be EQ experts on this cruise where participants can have more EQ fun with top-notch teachers Barb Vlack & Mary Ellen Kranz, along with photography lessons.  If you register before August 14th you'll get a special bonus gift too!  Doesn't this sound like a great way to start 2011? 

And, EQ has released  new videos for EQ7 and are planning to release more! 
  1. Creating Blocks Without Drawing
  2. Designing a Basic Quilt
  3. Drag and Drop Blocks
  4. Find Fabrics, Colors and Blocks Using the Eyedropper Tool
  5. Help is Everywhere!
  6. Turning Photos into Blocks by Tracing
  7. Using Fabric Scans in Your Project
  8. Using the Photo Layout
  9. Using Photo Symmetry
If you are new to EQ this summer, you may want to sign up for INFO-EQ from Planet Patchwork, subscribe to EQ's Newsletter, and check out the online community which is full of helpful  information and lessons.

Yeap, I'm love'n EQ7 (and everything from Electric Quilt).  I hope you are too!



  1. Great post about EQ7. I've just bought it and am going through the videos. That cruise sounds great and loads of fun.
    My friends and I went on a quilting cruise a couple of years's a memory that I'll always cherish.
    Take care.

  2. Do you have a separate blog for Accuquilt Go! users? I'd like to join.


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