
Sunday, July 18, 2010

Zippered Bag Tutorial

While I have made zippered bags before, I came across a delightful tutorial to make zippered bags on "May Your Bobbin Always Be Full".  This tutorial definitely goes into my list of favorite tutorials.  It is well written and also shows excellent insights on quilting these zippered bags. 

Wouldn't these make lovely gifts?


  1. I too love zippered bags...thanks for the link xo

  2. Oh, how funny. I was up early this morning trying out this tutorial!! I was pretty excited - my first zippered pouch. I made my mistakes, but am hoping the more I make the better they come out! ~karen

  3. These look really cute. I have not made any in a while I do love the stripes make them more interesting.

  4. Fantastic!
    These will make great Christmas gifts, thank you for the tip!

  5. Bags, pouches always make beautiful gifts ! Enjoy your Sunday. Rachel D.

  6. Great project and a wonderful tutorial. I may have to try this soon.

  7. These look really wonderful and great project.Thanks for sharing the tutorial.

  8. This is exactly what i have been looking for to make as gifts. Thank!

  9. Very cute and yes!~ they would make wonderful gifts! Thanks!

  10. Very cute bags, Darlene! I'm very bagophobic and then you add a zipper and I feel butterflies in my tummy. LOL

    I'm going to check out your link - thank you so much. Maybe I'll try to make one - that's a big MAYBE. :-)

  11. I love thses cute bags, and thanks for the tutorial!!

  12. Thanks for the link....looks like it's even easy enough for me (who isn't so good at bags!!!)

  13. Very nice...on my way to grab this one. Can never have too many of these cuties.

  14. Thank you thank you thank you!! for this link. I love this little bag and have some leftover jelly roll to make some!

  15. Thanks for sharing! I like the shape of these little bags--a bit different from most I see.


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