
Thursday, July 1, 2010

Pets on Quilts Show

While I plan to share more insights on the upcoming virtual Pets On Quilts Show, I wanted to use this post to share insights on what inspired me to do this and my vision for this show.

First, I hope this show provides fun for those that enter as well as those that view entries.  While the primary purpose is to have fun, I also hope to encourage adoption of pets living in animal shelters, as well as encourage others to find ways to help (e.g. make a pet bed or quilt for an animal living in a shelter, or for a fundraiser to help a shelter).

With respect to what gave me inspiration?  Well, it is simple.  I have acquired great inspiration from following various blogs, admiring fabrics with an animal theme, admiring designs with an animal theme, and seeing photos of various pets on beautiful quilts.

{above} May Your Bobbin Always Be Full shared some delightful photos of how "Suzi" helped preparing quilts for sharing at a quilt show, forever capturing me as a follower of her delightful blog. LuAnn is very talented and shares wonderful quilting insights on her blog.  And, Suzi is frequently recognized for her contributions.

{above}  Gracie does an excellent job as a model on this beautiful Schnibbles quilt, from Jo's Country Junction.  While Jo shares many wonderful quilting insights on her blog, it might actually be Gracie that hooked me on the delights of being a Schnibbles quilter.  But I do know that both Jo and Gracie are always eager to welcome other quilters to the fun of being a Schnibbles quilter, as well as sharing a variety of great quilting tips.  Please don't let Gracie know, but I have learned that she was destined to become a shelter dog until she was adopted by Jo, who now considers Gracie her "forever dog".    {hugs & kisses to Gracie & Jo}.

{above} Rachel D., from Belgium, has a great blog.  Yes, Country & Cozy is a delightful blog full of great insights.  Her cat, Bonbon, gets very exhausted from all the hard work of helping Rachel share such great insights on her blog and helping to make beautiful quilts too!

{above} Then there is Gimpy, whom I spotted on Lois Heath's Facebook page.  Doesn't Gimpy just look like a model cat, possibly one of Hugh Hefner's models?  This cat clearly loves this beautiful quilt!  Lois is an amazing quilter, and she also helps to make pet beds for the Kennel Comforters Project.

{above} Then I met Stripes, the Patriotic cat that lives with talented Sherry Rose.  Sherry posted insights on Stripes on Facebook, that inspired me for this Pets on Quilt Show and also for proving how pets are also very Patriotic.  Sherry Rose also has a delightful blog with a cute name "I don't do zippers".

{above} When I saw sweet Darla sleeping in such beautiful quilts, I felt this photo was a perfect one for a greeting card.  And, couldn't resist to send Darla's mother (Lesly of The Pickle Dish) some greeting cards with this cute picture.

And, while there are number of other bloggers that have inspired me with posts of their pets on their beautiful quilts, I am not able to share more than I was approved to share.  But as I was also inspired by a variety of cute videos, I do want to share this  video, as it is one of many inspriations for me for the   upcoming Pets on Quilts show. 

I was also inspired to hold this show and find a way to increase awareness of pets living in shelters, that need to find homes, but also need a comfy bed to sleep on.  Kennel Comforters is a volunteer project that helps to make pet beds for pets living in shelters, with the theory that a pet that has a good nights sleep has a better chance of presenting themselves in a positive manner and ultimately finding a home.  More insights on this perspective will be shared soon.

While this show is not until August (7th-21st), this is a great time for you to work on your entry. And there are many ways you can enter.  You may want to consider:
1) making a quilt with an animal design, or animal fabric
2) taking a picture of your pet on one of your quilts
3) making a pet bed, or a quilt and give it to your local animal shelter
4) making a quilt to donate for the purposes of  raising funds for an animal shelter.
And, in your post that you choose to enter via my McKlinky (to be setup 8/7) you may want to share insights about your pet, your animal quilt, or animal programs that you support and want to increase awareness of.

And, your help to increase awareness about this show is also appreciated.  Plus, you can earn extra entries to win great prizes by helping with pre-show PR.  Simply do any/all of the following and leave a comment on this post to earn points for giveaways in this show:
1) post the badge for this show on your blog (see upper right corner for code)
2) post about this giveaway on your blog.
3) share insights on twitter.
4) post insights on Facebook
5) work with your local animal shelter to host a fundraiser in 2010.   Let SewCalGal know, as not only will  you get extra points in the giveaway associated with this show, but SewCalGal will also help by providing PR on SewCalGal's blog.  And, depending on your event, help with providing additional items for fundraising at your event.

Click here for the most current, up to date, info on the Pets On Quilt Show sponsors, rules & general insights.  And follow SewCalGal for keeping up to date on additional insights on this show.

I also want to take this opportunity to thank and recognize sponsors for the upcoming Pets On Quilt Show:
Quilters Dream Batting
Fat Quarter Shop
Cindy Carlson (Sew Cindy)
The Quilted Kitty
Java House Quilts
By Kaye Mackenzie


  1. What a great idea! Now I just have to decide whether I should do a dog portrait quilt or portray a dog on a quilt.

    I'll be posting on my blog about this today!

  2. Thank you for sharing all the adorable pets and quilts! Now I have more blogs to check out today :)

    I do have your badge on my blog, and will do a post as well (I hadn't done one as I thought it was too "early").

    I plan on entering!!

    Thank you!


  3. Count me in, one way or another!

  4. What a wonderful thing you are doing....

  5. This sounds like a really fun idea. Not so sure a picture of my pets on a quilt would encourage pet adoption, though, since they eat them!

  6. love the your heart and so nice meeting you!!!

  7. This is wonderful! I will let you know that every year the students at my school host a Holiday Pet Adoption through the AG department and the local animal humane society. This is a yearly event and takes place in December. My daughter was very involved while she was in high school; she is now in college studying to be a veterinarian. Love your blog and love this event! I will be trying to finish something to enter!


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