
Friday, July 16, 2010

My Birthday Giveaway

Ok.  I must confess, this isn't my birthday.  But it is a birthday present that I received, and while I love it, I realize I'm not going to be able to quilt it for a very long time.  Simply too many UFOs and other projects in the que.  Thus, I want to give this to someone that will appreciate it and be able to make a beautiful quilt, long before I could.  So, this is what I'm giving away:

Includes a lovely collection of coordinated fabrics.

Large panel includes many cute quotes that could be used for mini blocks in your quilt (or keep as full size panel).

AND, this panel has been signed by Mary Engelbreit!  Yes, this giveaway is a collection of beautiful Mary Engelbreit fabrics.

Technically, all you need to do is leave a comment to enter this giveaway.  Any comment will do. 

IF, you really, really, really want to win, here are some optional ways you can get extra points, but be sure to leave a comment for each:

1) If you are a follower of  this blog.

2) If you are a follower of SewCalGal on Facebook.

3) Post an article on your blog about this giveaway.  Just be sure to include a link to your post (not just your blog) when you leave a comment.

4) IF you have previously posted an article on your blog about my upcoming Pets On Quilt Show, you are eligible to get an extra entry.  Just leave a link to your post, when you leave a comment.  And thank you.  You'll also receive an extra entry in any giveaway in August!  Sorry...for those getting this extra entry, it needs to be a "post" (not just a badge on display) and it needs to be a post dated prior to today.

5) IF you are a member of the Charming Girls Club, leave a link to a post you've written with insights on this club.  I'm new to this club, and while I've been reading many blogs from members, I suspect I have not read every post.

6)  IF you are a member of Bloggers with AccuQuilts, and have a badge displayed on your blog, leave a link to your blog when you leave a comment for this entry.  And, thank you!

OK, if you feel like you really want to earn an extra point, here is my last option.

7) Tell me about the little girl that you'd like to win this fabric and make it into a quilt for....or if you want to make it for the little girl in you, that is fine too!

Note:  Anyone that has a no reply setting, Anonymous posts that do not leave email, anyone that I can not contact if they win, will be disqualified.  Sorry.    If you are uncertain, read and at the bottom half of this page you'll find insights that I hope will help.

Deadline:  All entries need to be made by July 31st to count.  Winner will be announced shortly afterwards.  I'm traveling, so it may be a few days later ......

I hope you have a wonderful July!

THERE APPEARS TO BE KNOWN PROBLEMS with comments appearing.  I do receive an email for every comment and will use this as backup.  So, please do not worry if your comment does not appear.  But I am hoping Blogger will resolve this known problem ASAP.  Sorry for the inconvenience.  {as of 4:20pm PST, 7/16}


  1. I wouldn't want to have to sort out all the comments..... I know you are so organized that you will love doing it. Your giveaway is beautiful.... love to show it on the side of soggibottom blog X X X

  2. Oh, I would sew love to win this give away. I have a girly girl neice who would love to have a quilt using these fabrics. Too cute

    chris_quilting@yahoo dot com

  3. I am now following you for an extra chance.

  4. I had to add me to your facebook following...

  5. Okay...I would love to win your NOT-Birthday Giveaway so that I can make the quilt for my baby granddaughter. I'm almost finished the other 3 girls' quilts and haven't found the right thing to make hers...this Mary E fabric would be just oh so perfect! Toddlers really love the bright fabric and my girls love dolls. A doll would be made to accompany this quilt! So here's hoping I will win! Anyhoo, Happy NOT Birthday! ... well, not your birthday. Maybe it's your half-birthday! lol...


  6. I'd love to win this beautiful Mary E. fabric, especially since it's signed - very special. Her fabric just makes you smile! This would make a wonderful welcoming quilt for the guest room. Thank you

  7. The "little girl" I would make this for is almost 50...ME! Or one of my sweet friends...they would love it!

  8. I LOVE ME and her fabrics!! What a wonderful give away, thank you!!!

    And Happy Un-birthday :)


  9. This is my second comment, I FOLLOW! you..Sandy in MD

  10. Oh my goodness, you may be doing too good of a job trying to "organize"- careful! ;) This is such a generous give away- I vote that you still have time to rethink this LOL.... but if you are SURE about it, count me in. (Happy late birthday)Sandy in MD

  11. This is my final (3rd) comment- I don't blog....I would make this for a little new cousin. Twins, boy and girl, were born 3 months early, are doing GREAT! and have plenty of time to make a quilt for the first birthday. Sent newborn ones (which were way tooooooo big LOL)- a pinwheel for her and a bowtie for him, with 30's fabrics- I think this for Mary Englebert for her and an I Spy for him would be good. Thanks for the chance! Sandy in MD

  12. I will make this for my grandaughter Lilyana. She will be 5 in October and it would be a great birthday present.

  13. Thank you for the chance to win.

  14. Thank you so much for a chance to win such a wonderful fabric collection. I love it and the fact that it is signed by Mary makes it all that much better.

  15. LOL I was thinking the same thing as Sandy did, I said "Oh my goodness", LOL, love all the goodies you're giving away, they're breathtaking!!!!

  16. I became a follower though I thought I was already one.

  17. This is my second comment. I'm a follower! Also I didn't say this in my earlier comment...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

  18. My third comment. I almost hate to tell you this and hope I don't sound too selfish, but if I win this, I going to make something for myself. I love Mary's work and would love something hanging in my house made with this collection. Ok, I know I'm selfish on this one. I just can't help it!

  19. Winning this fabric would be amazing! I would just love to add it to my stash!

  20. I adore this panel!!! Please count me in!

  21. I would make this fabric into a quilt for my bestest friend's baby! She's not pregnant yet, but she's working on it. I think it would be darling, and I know that she would appreciate it so much!

  22. I also put a link to your blog on the side-bar of my blog :)

  23. I would make this into a story quilt for my grandchildren...we would cuddle under it and I would tell them all about the little girl's adventures!

  24. This would be perfect for my mom!

  25. Thank you for the generous giveaway!

  26. I was thinking about the little girl within me....or maybe put it with a few quilts I am saving for future grandbabies.
    I am a very faithful follower,
    I am friends on Facebook.
    and I will put a post on my left sidebar.
    This is a really really...did I say really fun giveaway...thanks for the opportunity to win the giveaway.

  27. I am a follower...LOVE your blog!!

  28. Hi!!
    LOVE this fabric!! AND I would definitely put it to good use!! :o) Thanks for throwing my name into your give away hat!! Take care!!

  29. 1st comment-This is a Beautiful Giveaway!
    Thanks for sharing,love,Linda

  30. 2nd comment-I'd love to make a quilt for my Granddaughter Emily!
    Thanks for sharing,love,Linda

  31. For my daughter to make a christmas gift for her grandmother who is discovering the joys of gardening later (not very late) in life. It would be a joy and a pleasure for them both. Thanks!

  32. I think you KNOW I follow....

  33. Oh. I'm a ME girl, does that count?

  34. Very cute! I'd find time to make it.

  35. I'm follower. Thanks for the extra chances.

  36. I'm a follower on Facebook too.

  37. If I win I'll make something for me. My kitchen is decorated in Mary Engelbreit decor!

  38. And I follow you on Facebook.

  39. I would make this for my little granddaughter Ella. She is five and loves cute things.

  40. Okay, come over and see my blog, I've posted about you!

  41. What a neat giveaway! I am a follower!

  42. I posted about your giveaway and here is the link:

  43. I am a follower on facebook!

  44. I wrote about the Charming Girls Quilt Club and boy am I glad that I joined. Here is the link:


  45. I am a kid at heart and love Mary Englebert, so I would love to make this quilt for us.

  46. What a wonderful give-away~ Thanks for the opportunity!!

  47. Hi again~I will post on my blog!!

  48. And last but not least......I follow you on facebook~ Happy Birthday!!

  49. Happy Birthday and thanks for the chance to win!

  50. It is really pretty fabrics, I would make something for a special little girl who isn't born just yet. : )

  51. Happy Birthday and what an awesome way to celebrate!! I am a follower and love your blog!

  52. Happy Birthday!! This is an awesome giveaway and if I won I would make a quilt for my daughter Hanna - she is into cool girl stuff and would love it in her room! (maybe she would even tidy up her room - maybe I am just dreaming...)

  53. Thanks so much for a chance to win this fabulous ME prize.

  54. I did a blog post about the upcoming Pets on Quilts July 7,2010. Thank you.

  55. I'd like a shot at this nice little giveaway -- thank you!! :)

  56. I love Mary E, so yes I would make the quilt for myself....thank you for the give away...

  57. This fabric and panel is very, very cute. I've been starting to collect vintage like panels and fabrics. I really like them and will see what I do with them.

  58. Such beautiful fabrics and I have a bed it would look great on!

    I also follow you

  59. Yes, we are followers of your wonderful blog! -- Marina and Daryl at Quilt Inspiration

  60. Hi,

    We love your blog and all the wonderful articles that you write! Looking forward to your Pets on Quilts Show !

    Best wishes from Marina and Daryl at Quilt Inspiration.

  61. I love Mary and would love to win this giveaway!!!

  62. I am a follower of your lovely blog.

  63. Very cute- I would love to win it and make it for a ggd if I ever have one; )

  64. Oh Wow, such a lovely assortment of fabrics and the panel is so cute.

  65. I would have to use it for a quilt for my little girls big bed. I made one for my son when he graduated out of the cot but I still have 10 months to make my daughters so this would be perfect. then I also get to look at the lovely fabrics all the time too.

  66. And I am a happy follower! I learn so many things from your insights! Thanks!

  67. Happy un-birthday! :-) I love Mary E! How fun!

  68. I've been part of Charming Girls Quilt Club for the past year, but I can't really direct you to any one post. Kelly has changed things up this year, but if you look at the links in her sidebar, she lists all the members. And if you do a sew along, you'll meet lots of the girls. (I don't know if there is a sew along scheduled, we are just finishing one) Hope that helps! Welcome to the group!

  69. I would make something for a special friend who also loves ME and a little something for me too, so we'd have that connection. :-) Thanks for the chances! :-)

  70. The panel is so cute, and the fabrics are just divine!! I have my fingers crossed!

  71. I am a follower of your blog :)

  72. I "like" SewCalGal on facebook.

  73. I am a Charming Girls Club member but I have only just joined. I have been following them for a few months now waiting for openings so I was pretty excited when they opened it up for new members! It seems like a great way to get to know other bloggers better, as well as setting goals and being accountable for them. And they do fun things like sew-alongs and so on :)

  74. I'm a follower of your blog.

  75. Love those ME fabrics and panel...would love to win them!

  76. I might make a special quilt(s) for one or more of my grandnieces (ages 2, 5, and to be in December). This fabric is so cute for a little girl. mlwright29 (at) hotmail (dot) com

  77. I already follow you on facebook.

  78. If I win I will make a quilt for my youngest grandbaby Jesslyn

  79. I became a fan on Facebook of Sew Cal Gal.

  80. This is so nice - I had not seen that panel before.

  81. Already a follower/subscriber.

  82. Already connected on Facebook.

  83. i would love to make this for my neighbor/friend. Although she is grown -and even older than I - we share our love of gardening, our plants, our overabundance of veggies - even our compost pile (and weed seeds that blow from my messy yard into her impeccable one) - could not have asked for a better neighbor!

  84. I'd love to win this giveaway with all of those great polka dot and stripe fabrics! Thanks for sharing with us!

  85. Oh thank you for a chance to win.....I just love all ME's stuff and have been a huge fan since she started. My favorite quote of hers is "Bloom where you are planted" and I have tried to live my life that way :0)

  86. I'm a new follower.......even though I have seen you on others blogs and even visited here before
    I have never been a follower until now.
    thanks for another chance to win :0)

    Happy Sewing

  87. Hi Darlene,

    Learned about your giveaway from Micki. What cute fabrics!

  88. See that precious little girl in the picture with me......its Lily Kate with her beautiful red hair.
    She is my one and only grandchild and just loves all the adorable things I make for her.......wouldn't this fabric make the cutest little dress/dresses?

    Thanks for another chance to win :0)

    Happy sewing

  89. I just blogged about your giveaway too......
    one more chance to win.......
    okay I'm getting greedy now.......
    thanks so much :0)

    Happy sewing

  90. I'd love a chance to enter your wonderful giveaway - Thanks!
    kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

  91. I have been following, Thanks!
    kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

  92. I am a Facebook fan, Thanks!
    kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

  93. I am a huge ME fan and would love to make this quilt for myself, LOL!
    Thanks :)
    kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

  94. This comment has been removed by the author.

  95. Would love to win this! It is so cute.

  96. I am a follower of you wonderful blog.

  97. I would love to win this fabric for my little 3 year old niece Eimear. My two other nieces are red heads like me but she has dark hair just like the little girl on this fabric.


  98. I don't think my comments are showing up but maybe this will to my charming girls post

  99. My granddaughter who is 6 is a girly girl and would love this quilt. It would be such fun to win this giveaway and make this quilt for her. Thank you for the wonderful chances to win.

  100. What a generous giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity.

  101. I am one of your blog followers. Thanks for a second chance.

  102. For my third chance, I have to admit, I would make something for myself, I have two sons so I have to make sure I have some girlie things of my own around here! I have always collected Mary Engelbreit things. My sun porch has a reading nook just for me with a "Mary" chair.

  103. What a special thing it would be to win this lovely signed fabric and the others as well! Oh what a great giveaway!!! Thank you!

  104. I'd love to be entered! Thank you for hosting such a generous giveaway!

  105. Thank you for the chance to win.

  106. I am now a follower! What a wonderful give away!And I would love to win to make this for my niece. Her room is done in these colors. And my niece is as sweet as the girl on the pamel, so pick ME!!

  107. Mary E. is my daughter's FAVORITE!! I'll follow along! ~karen

  108. Great giveaway! Please count me in!

  109. well happy birthday (sort of!!!) to you !
    Love ME always makes me smile
    I have been a follower for a long time
    a subscriber on bloglines...
    and comment occasionally!
    good luck to everyone!

  110. HI I would love toi win this so I can make a quilt for my friend she love things with quotes so I will make it foe her. She has had 2 rounds of Chimo ( I think yhays how you spell it) and she would love something like this quilt. I would have to see the quotes first to see if it fits her.

  111. Yes the quotes will work wonderful for my friend I will start to follow you

  112. Ooooh, please include me in your giveaway. I recently purchased a jelly roll of ME fabric and this would work extremely well with it. Thanks!

  113. I follow you through my google reader. I really enjoy your blog. Keep up the good work!

  114. If you post 3 comments in a row are your odds the same/better/worse than if they're spread out over a span of entries? I going to have to ask my statistician son. Anywho, if there is a panel with ME's "Cranky" on it, the winner of that quilt is my DD. If not, the quilt will be for the little girl in me or my youngest niece. Thanks again!

  115. What a very generous giveaway, I hope international entries are allowed? I have a teenage diva that is really girly at heart, she'd love something along these lines, if not, the girl in me would LOL

  116. I'm a new follower too, though not new to reading your blog.

  117. Woo Hoo.....welcome to THE club and thanks for the chance to win such a lovely prize. I had sew much fun meeting you at QIAD ( do you remember). Happy NON Birthday (G)!!!!

  118. I love Mary Engelbreit! I have 2 little girls Kaitlyn age 8, and Kimiko age 22 months. This would look so cute as a wall hanging in there bedroom.

  119. I love the Mary Englebreit fabrics! They are so cheerful!

  120. I also follow SewCalGal on Facebook!

  121. I am now following you and I also like you on Facebook.

  122. I would love to win this panel and fabric. Not only am I big fan of Mary Engelbreit, (she just makes me smile) but my daughter loves quotes. She has quotes all around her room. I would love to make it for her to add to her collection.

  123. what a wonderful giveaway....I follow u here

  124. I am a blogger with a Accuquilt GO

  125. I would make this quilt for the "little girl" in match another one I have.

  126. I totally love Mary Englebreit fabrics and would so love to win this awesome giveaway. Someone is going to be a very fortunate winner.
    Regards from Western Canada,

  127. I am a follower of your blog and do enjoy reading it. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  128. I also am linked to your facebook page.I am not sure who I will make this quilt for but I know I would love to make it up for someone maybe even me LOL

  129. I just started following your blog, and it is awesome.

  130. It's signed!? Wow, count me in....not too original, but it gets counted :)

  131. I have a 4 yr old granddaughter this would be perfect for....she loves the girly stuff...well at four I think they all think they are THE princess we've been waiting for! hehe.

  132. This comment has been removed by the author.

  133. Wow you have generated a lot of people who like this contest. I have come back to tell you more about me.
    I bought this panel for my best friend of 33 years. We have loved Mary Engelbreit for many years. We have bought gifts for each other of little books, calendars, pin cushions and I even found cards with straight pins in them they say Queen of quite alot. lol I came down with fibromyalgia 6 years ago and that put a halt on everything. I live in pain everyday. At first it was really difficult to realize I will never be the same. And then my friend taught me how to quilt. Now I try to live happily (difficult)quilting has been a great therapy for me. My hopes is to set up a quilting room. I have the dream plans in my head. I'm now getting to the point of being able to tackle bigger jobs and plan to paint some of my older furniture to give it new life and a Engelbreit feel to it. So I'm getting there. My friend is an inspiration. You can't see fibromyagia. I don't look sick but I don't have to tell her when I don't feel good. She follows my lead. She is an amazing person to accept me the way I am and we will always be friends. If I win this we will each have a panel and I would share the beautiful fabrics you picked to go with it. We have talked about doing a project together for a long time. This would be a perfect and a great way for me to thank her. Sincerely, Pamela

  134. Those fabrics are adorable, I would love to win. Thanks for the chance, I'm already a follower.

  135. I'm already a follower for a second chance.

  136. I love ME artwork and fabrics. Love the panel and would enjoy completing the top. Thanks for sharing!

  137. I'm a happy follower of your blog :)

  138. I too have joined the Charming Girls Club. I'm excited about the Possibilites.

  139. I would love to make a quilt with these great panels for my three month old granddaughter Audrey.

  140. What a wonderful and thoughtful giveaway!

  141. Oh I love ME fabrics and what a wonderful give away...

  142. Wow!! This is spectacular giveaway! I think the panel is adorable and the fabrics are yummy.
    I would make this into a quilt and donate it to a local women's shelter.


  143. I'm a new follower to your blog, I'm off to snoop around.


  144. What a lovely, generous giveaway, would love a chance to win...and now a follower...Warm Regards, Lyn

  145. What a wonderful giveaway! I would love to win this and make a quilt for my youngest granddaughter's birthday.

  146. I am a follower of this blog and I would LOVE to win this fabric!

  147. The little girl in me loves this Mary Englebreit fabric, but I would also have to check with my grand-daughter!

  148. I adore Mary. Her little princess girls are so me! I would have to make the quilt for the little girl in me. I thought I was following you, but blogger says no, so you will see me at the head of the line. I'm also heading over to facebook. Thanks for the lovely giveaway.

  149. Ok, this really is an AWESOME giveaway! I love M.E.!

  150. I've been a follower for a while now.

  151. Just did the FB thing...a few more to go! LOL!

  152. I don't FB, but SO follow and also follow on highlight the best giveaways ever, not to mention all the great tips.

    I adore Mary Engelbreit prints and books, accessories, office supplies, etc. Her illustrations are wonderful! I'm a St. Louis native like ME and also love gardening, though my gardens are no match for hers.

    I'm not sure I'd be able to part with the prize, should I win but might consider sharing with a munchkin who thinks white on white fabric looks just like toilet paper, no offense to WOW fanatics. lol She also loves ME prints & spends lots of time looking at her favorite illustrations, Mother Goose Rhymes.

  153. I'm a member of bloggers with accuquilts.

  154. I've just subscribed to your blog today. I've also just created a blog for myself. I'd love to win your giveaway. I have a granddaughter (7 yrs old) who is moving soon to NH, near to where I live. It would be so much fun to work on this with her. An introduction to quilting.

  155. I would make this quilt for a future granddaughter.

  156. love the fabrics. thanks for a chance at your giveaway.

  157. What a fun giveaway! I so have my fingers crossed. Those are adorable fabrics :)

  158. I follow your blog :)

  159. I would love to make a quilt out of this for my little 18 month old daughter. She mostly has hand me down's from her sister and this would be something special for her :)

  160. I love Mary Engelbreit. What a lovely giveaway.

  161. My ten-year-old daughter is the third child of seven, and she often gets lost in the shuffle of the little ones needing me and the big ones needing me to drive them everywhere. I would love to make her a quilt out of this, show her that she is special to me.

  162. Great giveaway. That would absolutely stay a panel and become a great little panel quilt!

  163. OMG - an actual signed panel by Mary? A really good friend of the family, who by chance is named Michelle Marie (same as me :-) is a HUGE ME fan!! I'm in the process of making a quilt for her daughter (who happens to share the same birthday as my son) so I would love to make her something special too!! PUH-LEEZZE pick me, pretty please with sugar on top...I'll be ur best friend in northern california (ok ok, shameless begging sorry)....btw, have a great day and a great week!!

  164. I love all the dots and ME's fabric of course!

  165. How fun! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  166. I have two little boys, and my husband and I have been trying for a year and a half to get pregnant and add a girl to our happy little family. I thought it was finally going to happen earlier this year, but I had a miscarriage. We're still trying, but I'm starting to give up hope of a baby girl. HOWEVER, I have a darling niece, Anika, 4-years-old, and the most precious little girl I have ever met. I made her a quilt when she was a baby, but she has outgrown it and it now hangs on her bedroom wall. If I were to win, I would use this bright, fun fabric to make a quilt for my bright and fun niece.

  167. this is such i cute cute giveaway! i have someone that would love this!!! my daughter ofcorse!

  168. and i follow your blog

  169. and i follow you on facebook


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