> ~ Insights by SewCalGal ~

Friday, July 16, 2010

My Birthday Giveaway

Ok.  I must confess, this isn't my birthday.  But it is a birthday present that I received, and while I love it, I realize I'm not going to be able to quilt it for a very long time.  Simply too many UFOs and other projects in the que.  Thus, I want to give this to someone that will appreciate it and be able to make a beautiful quilt, long before I could.  So, this is what I'm giving away:

Includes a lovely collection of coordinated fabrics.

Large panel includes many cute quotes that could be used for mini blocks in your quilt (or keep as full size panel).

AND, this panel has been signed by Mary Engelbreit!  Yes, this giveaway is a collection of beautiful Mary Engelbreit fabrics.

Technically, all you need to do is leave a comment to enter this giveaway.  Any comment will do. 

IF, you really, really, really want to win, here are some optional ways you can get extra points, but be sure to leave a comment for each:

1) If you are a follower of  this blog.

2) If you are a follower of SewCalGal on Facebook.

3) Post an article on your blog about this giveaway.  Just be sure to include a link to your post (not just your blog) when you leave a comment.

4) IF you have previously posted an article on your blog about my upcoming Pets On Quilt Show, you are eligible to get an extra entry.  Just leave a link to your post, when you leave a comment.  And thank you.  You'll also receive an extra entry in any giveaway in August!  Sorry...for those getting this extra entry, it needs to be a "post" (not just a badge on display) and it needs to be a post dated prior to today.

5) IF you are a member of the Charming Girls Club, leave a link to a post you've written with insights on this club.  I'm new to this club, and while I've been reading many blogs from members, I suspect I have not read every post.

6)  IF you are a member of Bloggers with AccuQuilts, and have a badge displayed on your blog, leave a link to your blog when you leave a comment for this entry.  And, thank you!

OK, if you feel like you really want to earn an extra point, here is my last option.

7) Tell me about the little girl that you'd like to win this fabric and make it into a quilt for....or if you want to make it for the little girl in you, that is fine too!

Note:  Anyone that has a no reply setting, Anonymous posts that do not leave email, anyone that I can not contact if they win, will be disqualified.  Sorry.    If you are uncertain, read http://tinyurl.com/352uudf and at the bottom half of this page you'll find insights that I hope will help.

Deadline:  All entries need to be made by July 31st to count.  Winner will be announced shortly afterwards.  I'm traveling, so it may be a few days later ......

I hope you have a wonderful July!

THERE APPEARS TO BE KNOWN PROBLEMS with comments appearing.  I do receive an email for every comment and will use this as backup.  So, please do not worry if your comment does not appear.  But I am hoping Blogger will resolve this known problem ASAP.  Sorry for the inconvenience.  {as of 4:20pm PST, 7/16}


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carmel said...

the little girl is my daughter that soon will turn 7! and she also has black hair like the girl on the pannel, but longer :-)

NorahS said...

Great giveaway! I have loved Mary Engelbreit designs for years!

NorahS said...

If I were to win this fabric, I would make a quilt for my daughter's room. She would love it.

Anonymous said...

What cute fabrics, I'm sure I could make something special from them. Thanks for the giveaway.

sy said...

the prints are so cute. thanks for hosting the giveaway. i have a few projects in progress too >.<

sy said...

i'm a follower.

sy said...

i liked SewCalGal on facebook.

sy said...

i'm going to make it for myself or my mom lol i might give it to my boyfriend's little cousin if i find the strength to part with it.

♥Duff said...

thanks for the awesome giveaway! I noticed you are donating all your points on Ebony's blog to Pokey quilting--I couldn't find that blog to take a look--you sure are a generous woman! thanks!

Deb said...

I'd love to win those fabrics! Thanks!

Deb said...

And I'd like to win this to make a quilt for a future little granddaughter.

webmailaddress2 said...

What a cool gift!

webmailaddress2 said...

If I won this kit, I would want to make it for me!

Lee said...

I love the fabric. Thanks for such a great giveaway.

Lee said...

I am also a follower.

Lee said...

I would love to win this to make for my best friend, who really needs some cheering up!
thanks for the chances

Barb said...

Oh, I just love this panel and Mary Engelbreit! Thanks for the chance to win!

Barb said...

I am a follower of your blog--love you, love you!

Esther said...

I love Mary Engelbreit fabrics so I would definately be creating something for my inner girl, though I would probably share with my lovely daughter.

I follow
I'm a fan of FB

Fleurette said...

The panel is just the cutest! so special. I love flowers and gardening,and will enjoy cutting up the panel and using Mary Engelbreit's gorgeous fabric,making a beautiful quilt for moi!
Thanks for the chance to enter.

Fleurette said...

I am a follower!

Lilly said...

What an amazing giveaway!! Thanks a lot for the chance.

Jennifer said...

What a fun giveaway! I have 2 daughters so I would love to make them something with this for their room.

polly said...

I would love to win this giveaway! I love Mary E.

polly said...

Just became a follower!

polly said...

I am new to quilting and I think I would like to make it for me! Thanks for the chance!

Jennifer said...

I love this! I just go my accuquilt go yesterday and I am already in love and your blog is wonderful. I want to make a quilt for my granddaughter,

Nelta said...

I just got my Accuquilt Go yesterday. I am already in love. I am a follower on Face book. Now I am a follow of this blog! LOVE IT! Mary Engelbreit is one of my all time favorites. Love everything I have seen with her name.

Rosa Robichaud said...

I absolutely LOVE this designer!!!!

And imagine, to have it signed by her!??!?

Gosh - I think I'd be fainting left and right, if I were to win! LOL

As for the little girl? Why, that would have to me MOI! LOL

Any other little girl fabrics would go to one of my 3 nieces ... but Mary?!?? Nope, that would stay with me! *VBG*


Rosa Robichaud
Saint John, New Brunswick

Julie said...

Love the fabrics.

Julie said...

I follow you

Julie said...

I follow you on facebook

Kayli said...

I'm a HUGE fan of Mary Engelbreit and have been since I was a little girl, I still have many things ME and I've made 2 quilts I would LOVE to have that signed panel! kayli-taylor@hotmail.com

Kayli said...

I'm a follower!

Kayli said...

I LIKE ya on Facebook!

Kayli said...

I would love to make this for my own little girl, my daughter! kayli-taylor@hotmail.com

pamdux said...

I love the idea of sharing what you know you cant get done, so please enter me in your giveaway. pamspinks.blogspot.com

pamdux said...

I am a follower of your blog and enjoy it very much. pamspinks.blogspot.com

pamdux said...

I also became a follower on facebook. pamspinks.blogspot.com

pamdux said...

I really believe that it would be a contest between my 3 grand-daughters and their other grandmother for who would be the ultimate owner of a quilt like this, oh and a daughter would also get into the act. But, maybe I would just make something for myself for a change. pamspinks.blogspot.com

schmidt1016 said...

This is a super giveaway! I would love to make a quilt from this for my sister. She and I are both Mary Englebreit fans.
Leslie S. in MN

schmidt1016 said...

I am a follower of yours.
Leslie S. in MN

babiesdoc said...

If I won I would make a quilt for my mother's birthday. not only does she have many friends but also the greenest thumb. she will plant a stick in the ground and it will grow into something wonderful

Theresa N. said...

Please sign me up, it's so sweet.
Theresa N

Patty said...

I am a follower

Patty said...

I really like the dotty fabrics.

Victoria said...

I would love to make some ruffles from that lovely fabric. Can't you just see those colors dancing at the hemline?

Victoria said...

My little girls are my granddaughters who love twirly ruffly skirts almost as much as they love glittery glue and popsicles.

Sandy said...

This is simply adorable! I would love to win it! Thanks for the opportunity!

Sandy said...

I would love to make this for my sweet niece Emily. Sadly, Aunt Sandy has been deliquent in her quilting duties since my Em is now 11 with no quilt from me. I think that she would totally love a quilt made from these fabrics!

Sandy said...

I'm a follower of yours!=)

lag123 said...

I love this quilt! Thank you for the opportunity to win!

lag123 said...

I am a new follower.

lag110 at mchsi dot com

lag123 said...

I now follow on FB: Lisa Holmes Garrett

lag110 at mchsi dot com

lag123 said...

I want to make this for the little girl in me... or maybe a future grand-daughter!

lag110 at mchsi dot com

Mystica said...

Thank you for such a pretty giveaway.


Elizabeth said...

SewCalGal, this is a terrific giveaway. I would just love to win those pretty fabrics. I love gardening and I love friends, so it would be a quilt for me. Thank you so much for the chance to win. Crossing my fingers.
xo –Elizabeth

Nanbon44 said...

what a wonderful kit, please enter my name in you drawing

Nanbon44 said...

I am a follower of your blog

Nanbon44 said...

I would make this for my grand daughter, she is the youngest and last one of our 21 grandchildren and I like to make sure she knows how special she is.

mama moose said...

What a wonderful blog!! I love the fabrics for this quilt. I really could not say if I would quilt it for the little girl in me or for my granddaughter. She is 2 1/2 years old. She carries her quilt from Nana everywhere she goes. She will need a new one soon! Can't wait to read more of your blog.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday.. I am now a follower to your blog.. Please enter me into your drawing.

bfranklin said...

My sister just announced her that she is expecting a little girl! I would love to make this for a new niece. ( I am hoping for a red-head)

Annieofbluegables said...

Follower of SewCalGal. Have been for a while.

Annieofbluegables said...

Also a follower on FaceBook.

Eileen said...

i am a follower--think i signed up during the quilt festival, but with my memory who the heck knows!! have a great day and thanks for the opportunity. just love mary engelbreit!!

Eileen said...

signed up on your fb place--then saw the thing for the go giveaway--i've got one but would love to win one for my dear daughter.

Eileen said...

it's a hard thing to figure just one little girl i'd love those fabrics for...have four (one brand new) girlie girls (granddaughters) so would probably try to divide them between the two households in some way. just so cute and would go perfectly with my adorable girls!!!!!!!

Trish said...

What a fantastic give-away! I would love to win !!
Trish www.quilttalesandcattails.com

Kathleen C said...

Thanks for this generous giveaway. I'd enjoy making this quilt very much.

Kathleen C said...

I'm a follower already. And just a word to Pam above: I also have fibromyalgia: It does get better! And for years, I have found that quilting has helped to a great deal--I understand everything that she wrote. Things often take time; friendships are wonderful for healing, as Pam has discovered.

Kathleen C said...

I'm also a fan on facebook; and thanks for the tutorials on your blog. K.

Kathleen C said...

I know exactly who I would make this quilt for: my great niece. Her mother has always liked Mary Engelbreit, and I've been wanting to make them a quilt to share. Thanks for this opportunity.

JayTee said...

I love this panel!!

JayTee said...

I am a follower of your blog

JayTee said...

I would like to make this wallhanging for my granddaughter. She's 4. She loves the outdoors & flowers

JayTee said...

I blogged about the giveaway on my blog www.jayteespatchworkplace.blogspot.com

JayTee said...

I joined the Charming Girls Cub this year also. I have seen the great projects they worked on last year . I think ssetting goals for 2 months at a time will help me get more done.

Renee and Peter .... said...

I have the perfect "girly girl" niece who would think she had "died and gone to heaven" if I made her this quilt! Thanks for the gorgeous giveaway!

Stacey said...

Hi There, I am already a follower. That stack of stuff would be perfect for me!! I just put your give-away on my sidebar too. I miss the Mary Engelbreit magazine. I am so glad that I saved many of my magazines through the years. They always provide me with lots of inspiration. In fact, I am making a scrappy quilt with some of her fabrics right now and I could use a bit more variety to finish it up.

Happy Quilting.

Love Of Quilts said...

What a nice givaway I would love to win your fabric. Trish

Love Of Quilts said...

I would make it for one of my grandbabys. Trish

linny said...

What a wonderful giveaway,this 'girl' would love to have it.

Linda said...

What a great giveaway. I have a granddaughter who would just love to have a quilt made out of this cute fabric, her name is Alayna....

I am also a follower of your blog and love it too. Have a great day and thanks for having this giveaway.

Dolores said...

I would love to win this and my other projects can wait in line.

If I am lucky enough to win this, I would be making it for a little granddaughter who I do hope to have in the future. It would be a special keepsake.

Heather A said...

I love Mary Engelbreit! Wouldn't this be fun to play with!

Luv 2 Kreate said...

What an adorable fabric panel!

Luv 2 Kreate said...

I'm a follower

Luv 2 Kreate said...

I am a Charming girl too :)

bobbie23nc said...

We just found out our first grandchild was conceived eleven weeks ago. By my calculations I have as good a chance as not that it's a girl. I could get a good start on her first quilt if I win.

rstroh said...

wow, this would be so cool for my granddaughter who loves mary engelbreit!


Trish said...

I would love to win your wonderful give-away.
Trish www.quilttalesandcattails.com

Michelle said...

What a great collection of ME fabrics - Thank you for blessing us with a chance to win them!

illenion said...

*Fingers crossed*

Pam said...

I love these ME fabrics ...I've never seen them before!

Pam said...

I'm a new follower!

Pam said...

I would love love to make a quilt for my new grand niece that I found out was on her way to us this coming Feb. Plenty of time to make something very special.

Thank you for the opportunity to win!

tlf said...

Thanks for the chance to win. I am a follower here and on facebook. This is awesome!!

Unknown said...

My friend Amy and I are both trying to get pregnant and I would love to make this quilt for either of us should we have a little girl! The little girl in the panel reminds me a lot of my friend Amy :)

Unknown said...

and I am following!

bestjlb said...

Love Mary Engelbreit! Thanks for the giveaway!

bestjlb said...

I'm a facebook follower.

bestjlb said...

I follow your blog.

Monica Huete said...

What can I say - the fabrics are gorgeous and the little girl is really cute!!! I am sure we all would love to get the set. So, good luck to all of us ... And thanks for this great giveaway !!! ... ^__^

Peach Rainbow said...

Lovely fabrics!
Thanks for the chance.

fsarah09 at gmail dot com

Peach Rainbow said...

New Follower!

fsarah09 at gmail dot com

Peach Rainbow said...

FB fan - Peach Rainbow

Peach Rainbow said...

I think these would be lovely for a baby quilt for one of my nieces.

Thanks again
fsarah09 at gmail dot com

Jody said...

I'd love to make a quilt for my 2 1/2 year old daughter...it would be great! Thanks for being so generous!

Khris said...

what a cute cute giveaway...and I NEED to win this one..I LOVE ME fabrics...I already follow your blog...hugs Khris

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