
Friday, May 14, 2010

Playing with Liquitex and Paintstiks

I've been playing with Liquitex paints, while on vacation.  My ultimate goal is to be able to use Liquitex to enhance some quilts, as well as pursue some mixed-media quilting projects.  This "playtime" painting, while on vacation was simply quick and easy project, on just about anything I could find.  I certainly enjoyed painting on an old palm frond, that I found at the beach (photo above).
And I had fun painting on some very old t-shirts, as well as some cotton scraps.  Can you guess what the cotton scrap was originally cut for?
I am far from being an artist.  I'm positive I flunked art in Kindergarten, and every art class thru High School.  But I certainly did enjoy playing with Liquitex and Paintstiks while on vacation.  With a bit more practice time, I think I'll be ready to enhance some quilts with these artistic tools.   And, with luck and more practice, pursue a couple of fibre-arts projects I have in mind.

Do you play with Liquitex and/or Paintstiks?  Love to hear your thoughts about these artistic tools.


  1. Love the turtles, especially the one you painted on the palm frond. I look forward to seeing you use the paints/paint sticks in future projects!

  2. No, I never have but I do love the Samoan's ( I am going to spell this wrong) alia....where you take a block and you print on fabric...

  3. I love it! I esp. love the turtle,and can't wait to see how you utilize it in a quilt!

  4. The white fabric looks like it started out to be a bunny head. I've been meaning to pull my Paintstiks and dyes and paints out myself. It's been a long time, so I hope that everything is still good and not dried out!



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