
Monday, May 24, 2010

Bloggers Quilt Festival - Hawaiian Quilts

Today I'm sharing one of the Hawaiian quilts that I made, many years ago, and I'm sharing this as part of the Blogger's Quilt Festival.  Amy is coordinating this delightful show where anyone can sit back, relax, and admire many beautiful quilts that are shared by bloggers from all over the world. 

This Hawaiian quilt that I'm sharing in this virtual quilt festival was made many years ago.  But as I've been sharing insights this month, regarding Hawaiian quilting, I thought this would be a good quilt to share.  Unfortunately, I do not have a professional photograph of this quilt and the photos I can take do not do it justice.

It is a king size quilt, where the background is a periwinkle blue.  The tropical fabric has bright colors, but my skills in Adobe PS simply do not do this quilt justice.  But I hope you can still get some perspective on this quilt from the photos I'm able to share. 

Over the years, I have donated many of my Hawaiian quilts to various fundraisers.  As, I have changed the color scheme in my house (no longer tropical colors), I can no longer use this quilt on my bed, and am no looking at various ways to donate (or maybe sell) this particular quilt.  If you have any recommendations for what I should do with this quilt, please let me know.


  1. it is so beautiful. So much work involved there. You know bumble beans has a group she is working with to donate quilts to the homeless and Anna Maria Horner is going to start one up for the people in Nashville to help them out when loosing everything in the floods. Maybe you could check those out.

  2. It's beautiful. It must have taken simply ages to do it.

  3. Wow, that is a gorgeous quilt, you could send it to me!!! Oops, my selfish side popped out there. How about a raffle and then the money raised could be donated to a charity where a lot fo people would benefit instead of just the person who gets the quilt? Have I redeemed myself?! Have a great day - I'm hoping for rain so that I can catch up with all the great entries in Amy's BQF, Lis x

  4. Oh, how I would love to see this in person. I'm sure that the photos don't do justice. Once at an art show a lady was selling Hawaiin quilts and they were just stunning. The men really loved them. This quilt is gorgeous!

  5. Oh, it's a "keeper"! My suggestion is to hang on to it! I love the tropical fabric you chose for the applique, very striking!

  6. This is in incredible!
    I love hawaiian quilts and look forward to making one some day. thanks for the inspiration!

  7. The quilt is beautiful and the level of detail amazing.

  8. I think it is beautiful! The bright colors are perfect to see this morning after several grey rainy days.

  9. Maybe save it for a gift to a relative? It is very special.

  10. So very pretty. I hope you find the right place to donate this so it will be appreciates in a new home!

  11. Oh my, Darlene, it's beautiful.

  12. WOW I really like it ... so unusual.

  13. That is a lovely quilt. You did a great job.

  14. stunning quilt! and king size-wow, that's a tremendous amount of work!

  15. Beautiful! The colors and the quilting are just awesome!


  16. Really amazing quilt! Just beautiful.

  17. I have a fetish for Hawiian quilts and love all the work that goes into them. Your pattern is gorgeous!! it looks so tropical
    Sorry i am not able to give you any ideas but hope you find one with your large following of bloggers.

  18. Breathtaking! This is a gorgeous quilt!

  19. Oh my goodness, that is one awesome quilt...I am totally in love with it. What a wonderful job you did on it too...

  20. What a gorgeous quilt! You could wrap it in a white sheet and "bury" it in your linen closet. Do you have kids? One of them might want it. I know I would love it, especially if my mama had made it.

  21. This is an incredible quilt. Keep it as a family heirloom. I know if one of my relatives gave something like this to me I would be completely honored to have it. Find someone like that in your family. I am also think, since it looks handmade, you could have it appraised first and sold as a charity item.

    I always look at those Hawaiian quilts and sigh at their beauty.

  22. That's amazing ! I've never seen one featuring whole trees.
    I have a small one that I hand-appliqued, a baby-quilt size. My friend sent a yard and one-quarter of white and of blue fabrics, and Deborah Kakaliah (may be spelled wrong) in Hawaii cut out the design and basted it on. Then I did the needle-turn applique. It is in my tub full of unfinished projects, but I definitely want to handquilt it someday.

    This must just be stunning in person ....... great job. I hope you find a good home for it soon.

  23. Wow - I think it would take me the rest of my life to make a kind sized quilt like this. It's gorgeous.

  24. Gorgeous. And who said a quilt had to match anything in order to be used?

  25. absolutely wonderful! my goodness, the work that goes into these is mind-boggling to me!
    Thanks for sharing your talent!
    Beth in Dallas

  26. I have long wanted to do a Hawaiian quilt but have just never jumped. Always on the back burner. This is beautiful.

  27. Incredible, beautiful quilt!

  28. I totally love your quilt. Awesome job! Sew On!

  29. Thanks for visiting my blog and viewing my Crazy Quilt. Your quilt is lovely. Great choice of fabrics, they set off the design so well. I did take a small workshop on how to make an Hawaiian quilt, and even bought fabric, but that was the end of it. I do intend to start with a small project and see how I do. The new bifocals should really help, once they arrive. right now I am having trouble seeing the hole in the needle. eeks.

    I found your contest and entered, my fingers will be crossed for the next week.

  30. how awesome! so glad i stopped by! Amy's fest is awesome, i love seeing everything and "meeting" new people. and these Hawaiian themes sound really great. i think i'll have to put them on my to do list.

  31. Wow! This is one stunning quilt. Thanks so much for sharing it with us!

  32. What a delightful use of fabric. We are so used to seeing solid colored fabrics used for the Hawaiian quilts that this one just makes a person happy. Good job.

  33. Colours are just gorgeous. What a treasure. Just Love it :-)

  34. Your quilt is simply divine! If I were you I'd ask around in your family to see if any relatives may want it passed down to them. It seems to me that it is in the category of quilts that most would consider to be of heirloom quality.

  35. A beautiful quilt and I'm in awe of your skills and perhaps patience!

  36. That's quite beautiful, the colours are fantastic.

  37. What an utterly gorgeous quilt! The blue background makes it look like coral reef. So beautiful!

  38. Wow that's very elaborate! I made one reverse applique Hawaiian style mini quilt for a swap - in navy and white - I really enjoyed it, I must say!

  39. Wow - that is an amazing quilt! I can't imagine the work that went into making it. Just gorgeous!

  40. Wow, everyone says my all-by-hand sewing looks hard...not as hard as that!

  41. I love hawaiian quilts and yours is absolutely fantastic!!! The colors are so beautifull.

    Thanks for stopping on my blog.

  42. How beautiful! This is the first Hawaiian quilt I've seen in the Festival- I'm off to have a look at the other ones you've made!

    I read a letter from a bushfire survivor in Canberra, Australia, saying how much a donated quilt had meant to her and her community when people had lost everything personal to them, and since reading that, I'd always say- if you won't be using it yourself, do donate it, and it will be a shining light in someone's dark day.

  43. Oh wow that quilt is absolutely amazing! I don't want to think of how long it took you to do such a piece.

    As for the donating, there is a group that sends quilts to wounded or injured soldiers. It's in the June copy of American Patchwork & Quilting. It's called the Quilts of Valor Foundation, and you can find more info at QOVF dot org.

  44. it's totally amazing! Did you quilt it yourself? I'm sure you'll find a wonderful home for it whether you donate or sell it! I think it'd look fab in a totally white room! Maybe you should just paint everything in your room white instead of donating or selling it :)

  45. Oooooh, - what a wonderful quilt. I cannot even begin to imagine all the work that went into that one. Amazing!

  46. WOW! What a BEAUTIFUL quilt!!! Your color combination is very pretty. What a shame it no longer fits into your color scheme.

  47. That is a really striking and beautiful quilt. I can't even to begin to imagine the amount of work that went into making it.

  48. what a striking quilt-if you want to donate it, it would be best to auction it off to raise money to help several people rather than give it to just one.
    Come see my antique quilt entries

  49. This quilt is fantastic. I really like Hawaiian designs. Must have been a lot of work to do, but worth all of it.

    Thanks for visiting my blog and for the nice comment.

  50. marvelous quilt---stunning colors. what about using it in a raffle/auction to benefit some children's or homeless organization? the idea to find a family member who would love is a great one, too. whatever you decide to do, it is a fantastic gift someone will receive from your very generous heart

  51. The quilt is gorgeous and whatever you do with it will cause someone to be very happy to have it in their life.

  52. How wonderful-----fun colors! Reminds me of standing in the trees and looking up---great perspective:)

  53. I love Hawaiian quilts! My hubby is from Hawaii. ONe of my many "to-do" projects is a Hawaiian quilt of different appliqued Hawaiian patterns... As a novice quilter, I have only completed the 7 little miniature Hawaiian quilts that was for a swap and one wall hanging! My goal is to get some unfinished ones done before our future grandbabies start to come!

    ..I am off today from work, so will hopefully get to some others on the quilt fest. I have some drawing orders to work on and of course, cleaning house... Now that our children are grown and my hubby and I are empty nesters, I can't be a "stay at home mom", but I would love to be a stay at home wife :o)

    Blessings & Aloha!
    If you have a moment to come over, please let me know by leaving a comment at my post. It was fun meeting you!

  54. That is an absolutely stunning quilt. Hope you are able to find the best home possible for it--thru selling or auctioning or whatever.


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