
Monday, April 12, 2010

Just Playing Around

Have a few minutes and want to be creative?  While I'm not an expert (at anything) I had fun playing with machine quilting on top of a ten minute table runner, decorated with floral applique.  I had previously decorated this runner using the GO! Round Flower die.  Even with time playing with machine quilting, this table runner was so fast and cute.  

This was my first time to play with putting different colored threads in my bobbin.  While I liked how the top of the applique worked, I also liked how the bottom of the machine applique looked.  Unfortunately, my photos are not that great.  But I hope you get the idea of what I'm seeing.

Here is the table runner before I started doing any machine quilting.
While it is difficult to see in my photos, I do think the simply free hand machine quilting really makes a difference.  Plus, the AccuQuilt made this project so fast and easy, this table runner makes for a great project to help practice machine quilting and machine applique techniques!  I highly encourage it.

I also realized a simple trick, when working with the AccuQuilt.  The dies, especially when new, are difficult to see where the cuts will be made and where you should place your different colors of fabric. While not that difficult, it is simply faster if you take a permanent marker to mark the lines on the die. 

For example, here is a die that has not been pre-marked.  While photographs make viewing where fabric placement should be even more difficult, I'm using this as an example to show my point.  Can you easily see where you would place green fabric to cut a Christmas Tree, white for a snowflake, green for holly leaves, or red for berries?

But after I marked this die with a light colored permanent marker I think it makes it much easier to see where you want to place your fabric. Or at least to me, it seems easier to know where to place fabric for where I might want to cut flower fabric vs a leaf or a stem.

And, it took me less than a minute to mark this die with a permanent marker.  I also feel that cuts I made on my marked dies were much faster, as it was simply easier and faster for me to know where I needed to place my fabric.

If you have an AccuQuilt, I hope this little marking tip helps.  And, as mentioned, this project makes a simple project for you to play with to learn some freehand machine quilting techniques.


  1. Looks like you are having a lot of fun with the AccQuilt and with the free motioning! Very cute table runner!

    Thanks for the comment you left on my blog. I don't know why it didn't get forwarded to me via e-mail, so let me thank you here!

  2. I have drooled over the AccuQuilt Go but just cannot justify the expense for myself. Of course, if I win it in Kelly's giveaway, that would be WONDERFUL. (fat chance with as many entries as she is getting....LOL)

  3. I think I just erased my comment.

    When I win that AccuQuilt go...I will certainly be able to use the wonderful info you gave. The machine quilting, I can always use help with that...thanks so much.

  4. I don't even have an Accuquilt, but it's a great tip!!

  5. How I wish I could afford the Accuquilt Go, but it just isn't in the budget, guess I need to save my pennies. Great tip

  6. I just ordered my Accuquilt Go from Joann Fabrics, they have it 1/2 price. Unfortunately, I missed on the starter kit set as I had to stop in the middle of my order and get my child from school, came home and they were sold out. However, the next day they had just the cutter and some of the dies for 1/2 price. They should be arriving on Monday and I can't wait to try it out and use this great tip. Hopefully this info will help with the expense for some of you other folks too.

  7. Great tip! I will have to try that on the Studio dies. They have a different foam, it's not as dense or thick as the GO! dies.

  8. I have a video on youtube (and my blog that shows exactly what you are discussing. Excellent idea, if I do say so myself! Also, I like the idea of the light marker, which I had not thought of doing. Over time, even the permanent marker will wear off, but it's very easy to re-mark!

  9. That is a great tip. I need to get a light colored permanent marker and get to work. Thanks so much- Marietta


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