
Monday, March 1, 2010

Golden Quilter Awards - Nominations are now closed; Voting is now open

Are you aware that March is considered National Quilting Month?  The Golden Quilter Awards have been scheduled to recognize those that have made great contributions to quilters throughout the world.  For the 2010 Golden Quilter Awards, nominations were submitted to SewCalGal during the month of February.  Anyone can now submit their votes to SewCalGal whereby they select their favorite nominee in each category:

1) Designer:
2) Teacher/Instructor:
3) Author: Most inspirational
4) Quilt Store (physical)
5) Quilt Store (online)
6) Best Long Arm Quilter
7) Most Innovative new product (physical item)
8) Most Innovated new product (software item)
9) Most influential person in the world of quilting to-date, aka "Lifetime Achievement".

The complete list of nominees, which is now closed, is reflected in my recent post:  Thank you to those that took time to submit nominations.  As stated, nominations are now closed and anyone is welcome to submit your vote.  To clarify, the fact that you submitted your nomination in February does not automatically turn into a vote in March.  You may actually prefer to vote for a different nominee, than the one you may have originally nominated.  So, please take time to review the list of nominees and vote for one in each category of the Golden Quilter Awards.

For the complist list of nominees and more insights on the Golden Quilter Awards Voting:
If you wish to participate in the Golden Quilters Awards Voting' Giveaway, you can click here for more insight on this corresponding giveaway.  There will be a maximum of seven (7) prizes that will be given away to those that enter this giveaway.  Points will be awarded by submitting votes, blogging about the Golden Quilters Awards Voting, etc.

Winner of the February Golden Quilters Awards' Nomination Giveaway:   Jocelyn of Happy Cottage Quilter

If you would like to read prior posts about the Golden Quilter Awards:


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