
Thursday, March 4, 2010

Can you guess the Designer ? Part 1 & 2

How good are you at recognizing designer patterns, styles, fabrics?  And, if you are not very good, are you interested in building your skills in this area?  I know I am.

To clarify, this is currently part one of a two part post.  The title of this post and actual post will be updated when the first person to guess the designer of this quilting technique (photo taken from a workshop).  You can submit an email to SewCalGal or add your comment at the bottom of this post. 

First person to guess correctly will be recognized on

I will also update this post to reflect who was the first to accurately guess the designer, and share a bit more insight on the designer, as well.  If no one can accurately guess the designer in 24 hours, I will update this post to reflect same, along with sharing insights on the designer.  So, I hope you'll check back.

note:  If there is a discrepancy on designers, that may have similar styles, SewCalGal will be the ultimate judge to determine the winner.  And, in most cases, the photo of the quilt shown in this post will also be posted on the designers site.


Who Guessed it:  Patty (Mom Loves to Quilt) was the first to guess and she did so within 20 minutes of my post.  Amazing!

Who is this designer:  Lacey J. Hill

Lacey's design studio is called "Golden Thyme Designs".

She teaches, lectures, designs and is the author of the  "Sizzling Circles" which was edited by Nancy Dill and published by

Lacey is clearly a talented and generous person. She has been nominated for the Best Designer Award, as part of the Golden Quilter Awards.  When notified that of this nomination she generously donated three (3) sets of her "Sizzling Circles" book and companion ruler as prizes for Golden Quilter Awards companion giveaway (where voters are eligible to win prizes). 

One of my personal objectives of blogging was to be able to broaden my insights.  I am pleased that this has given me the opportunity to get introduced and inspired by Lacey J. Hill.  While you may already be familiar with her, I am hoping to be able to introduce her to others.  I certainly enjoy Lacey's designs and hope others will too!


  1. Is it Marti Mitchell? Not sure?

  2. Charlie of Quilters Haven? I know she does the circles & has some cool stencils, but not sure about the applique. :-) Good question! :-)

  3. I'd say Kaffe Fasset.....but I'm just guessing and don't really have any clue WHY I said that. LOL

  4. I had no idea, but I am going to check out her blog because if is gorgeous!

  5. I have no idea who, but its a great square!


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