
Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day. 

I played with EQ6 and Kaleidoscope Kreator 3 this week.  I was wanting to learn how to import images in EQ6.  I started my lesson by using Kaleidoscope Kreator 3 to create some images (blocks) for this purpose.  I hope you like what I created and, if you haven't already learned how to import images to EQ6 that this will motivate you to give it a try (it is really easy).  And there are an endless number of images you an import and create quilts in EQ6. I just wanted to use Kaleidoscope Kreator 3 images for my exercise.  I also think Kaleidoscope Kreator 3 is easy, fun and makes fun Kaleidoscope images that also make for great EQ6 projects too!

I took the image above and very quickly created various "blocks" using Kaleidoscope Kreator 3.  I actually had so much fun, I created ~20 blocks (images) and could have easily created thousands of Kaleidoscope images!

Using EQ6, I imported my favorite Kaleidoscope Kreator 3 images (all of my creations were saved to *.jpg format) into my EQ6 photo Library.   Simple steps in EQ6 were:  click on Library from the main menu bar, click on photo library, click on import, click on from image files, select the image you want to upload to EQ6, click the open button and your image now appears in your imported results window.  You can then click on your image(s) and clck on the add to sketchbook button, where ou can now pull your images from your sketchbook to your blocks in EQ6!  Very easy.
After adding my imported images to my EQ6 sketchbook I was able to easily and quickly create this simple quilt design, using images that I had created using  Kaleidoscope Kreator 3 creations.

And, if I wanted to make actual an actual quilt that reflected these beautiful Kaleidoscope Kreator 3 blocks, I could simply print them via my inkjet printer on to Electric Quilt's inkjet fabric and then stitch out these printed fabrics to make the quilt. 

This exercise would also be easy to make a simple memory quilt, by importing photos of special memories.

Again, this was really an learning exercise to play learn how to import images in to EQ6.  If you haven't learned to do import images in EQ6, I hope you'll give this a try.    

You can also create Kaleidoscope quilts within EQ6, using a variety of different Kaleidoscope blocks where each  block allows you to select fabrics and colors for each piece of the block.  Where as, the Kaleidoscope Kreator 3 software allows you to take any image and turn it into a Kaleidoscope.  Insights shared in this post are an example of how these two software packages can be used to create a beautiful quilt.

I  hope to share insights with you, in the near future, on the Kaleidoscope designs within EQ6, as well as EQ's Kaleidoscope Collections software.


  1. I love the image you started with Darlene! I think I would be so wrapped up creating with that tool that I'd never get to fabric! So Fun!

  2. Your quit design is beautiful!! I agree with Mary, I'd be designing and never get any sewing done. LOL

  3. I love these kaleidescopes designs! Beautiful!

  4. You are WAY beyond me on this and I love your designs! I haven't upgraded to EQ6 yet. Seeing what you're able to do here has me thinking about it. Gorgeous stuff!


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