
Friday, January 29, 2010

Machine Embroidery Fun

I enjoy machine embroidery and find it a perfect way to feel like I'm accomplishing something when I'm cleaning up my sewing room.  While doing some organization in my sewing room today I played with a Valentine's design from Designs by Sick.     Cute design that was very easy to stitch out!  Perfect design for towels, shirts, aprons, and many other items you may want to embroider.

I do like to do test stitch outs on dishtowels, tote bags, or misc items.  Always difficult to tell how a design will stitch out, and how you may want to change colors.  Thus, I like test stitch outs on items I would still be willing to use, or give as a gift.  And I must say that my husband was even happy to see a new dish towel tonight with this Valentine motif! 


  1. So that is what you loaded on the machine, looks wonderful....makes me want to get an embaroidery machine.

  2. Very nice design. I do "practice" stitch-outs too, Darlene. I embroider too, not as much as probably I should but I like to do it. What I think is really awesome is to embroider for the quilting on quilts. Do I always do it that way? Heck no, not often enough..LOL

  3. Very cute! Like your colors! I do not own an embroidery machine, but I have access to my friend's. It's fun to choose different colorways.

  4. Oh, that is just too cute! I love it.

  5. It's adorable! And so practical to practice on things you will still keep and use.

  6. You must have the fanciest dish towels in the neighborhood! Very cute design.


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