
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Jeri Kelly

It is always fun to come across a designer or author that you've never heard of before, and be inspired with their work.  It was this delight that I felt when I learned about Jeri Kelly, and while I've not used any of her designs or books, I wanted to share with you my insights.

The Heart Trio Pattern looks perfect for Valentine's Day.

And I thought this nautical collection is so cute!

She has many more delightful patterns, books, kits, fabric and other items on her website:

Clearly, Jeri Kelly is very talented and creates some fun designs!


  1. Very cute, thank for taking the time to share!

  2. OOH, I love that trio heart one...ALOT !

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I will have fun reading yours. Have a blessed day!
    With joy,


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