
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Insights on Quilt University’s EQ6 class

While EQ6 comes with an excellent manual and online help, plus Electric Quilt Company provides free online lessons and various ways to learn, there are times when it is simply beneficial to take a class. I strongly recommend Quilt University’s EQ6 Sampler Class by Fran Gonzales. Fran is an excellent teacher, who is an experienced EQ6 instructor and author of EQ books, including EQ Simplified.

Quilt University’s online classes provide a flexible approach to learning with a variety of subjects offered by professional instructors. Typically, a new lesson opens each week during the class sessions with an extra two weeks at the end. Photo galleries and discussion forums allow students to be inspired and learn by each others’ work, as well as receive feedback and help from the instructor.

My experience with QU’s EQ6 Sampler class was very positive. For the beginner EQ6 user, this class will give you the confidence to start using EQ6 to productively create designs on your own. For the more experienced user, it will help provide a refresher and may even call your attention to features you may have overlooked.

The EQ6 Sampler class was comprised of four lessons that were appropriately paced each week. As students completed their work, they posted in a classroom forum where the instructor would provide feedback. This forum was also helpful for students to ask questions and the instructor to provide assistance. I was amazed how much I learned by seeing what other students might ask for assistance with!

I enjoyed how Fran checked the class forum daily, allowing you to get a fast response to any question you might have. She would frequently post little tips to help share insights on EQ6 that were most helpful. I also like how you can print all of the instructor's insights and class exercises, to allow you to repeat an exercise anytime you wanted.

This EQ6 Sampler class is the first of four EQ6 classes that Quilt University offers. This particular class focuses on basic EQ6 features and functions, exploring EQ6 libraries, tools to draw blocks, create motifs and stencils, create a quilt label, and many other aspects of EQ6. The weekly exercises take you through the steps to create a sampler quilt. There are four lessons in this course,. all with great visuals and reading material that is easy to follow.

The next session of QU’s EQ6 Sampler course will begin March 12. Registration will open on February 5th.

QU also offers EQ6 Applique Design starting January 22nd. To clarify, this is the 2nd in the series of EQ6 classes and QU encourages students to start with the EQ6 Sampler course.

Note: QU recommends that their EQ classes be taken in the proper order. They will repeat frequently throughout the year. Please give yourself time to learn the class materials and practice them before taking the next class.

Quilt University offers more than 120 online classes, from basic quilting to graduate design work.

Upcoming QU Class Schedule

January 8

January 15

January 22

January 29

February 5

SewCalGal highly recommends Quilt University. QU offers a flexible way to learn at an exceptional value. This is a great time to sign up for Spring 2010 classes too!

Quilt University is also on Facebook.


  1. Some of the classes look absolutely yummy!

  2. Thanks, SewCalGal, for this great description of Fran's EQ6 classes at Quilt University. We teachers are always trying to get the word out, but nothing speaks more loudly than a favorable public testimonial by a prior student. Proud to teach for Quilt U, I have written a blog post that may also be of interest to some of your readers: " Teaching Online for Quilt University" to be seen on my blog. Just Google me!

    Dena Crain


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