
Saturday, December 19, 2009

Snowman Quilt, by Pat Welsh

I love this Snowman Quilt design, by Pat Welsh.  It is from Stitchin' Post in Sister's Oregon.     Sadly, I'm not certain I'm going to have time to finish this quilt for this Christmas, so I thought I'd share the pattern with you.   There are many delightful quilts with snowman designs, but I liked the ability to do some threadplay with this particular design.  Possibilities are endless!

Pat Welsh will also be teaching a seminar, for Sulky, on March 11th where I'm sure those that are lucky enough to take her class will enjoy learning from Pat.  I'd love to be able to take a class from her!

Sew Exciting™ Seminar Embroidery Seminar
Sew 'n Sew
1881 N Silversprings Drive
Appleton, WI 54913 USA
Phone: 920-830-9372
Contact: Bonnie Welsch
Educator: Pat Welch


  1. Three of the most gorgeous batiks I ever owned I bought from the Stitchin' Post years back. Love these snowmen!

  2. This is cute! You know, you don't have to finish it for Christmas, it could stay out all winter.

  3. Very cute and I can see where threadplay would be perfect on that quilt.

  4. The snowmen are too cute, I love to collect them!

  5. Very cute snowman pattern. I've been collecting snowmen for years, so I have several patterns that I need to sew some day.

  6. What a cute Snowmen the colors.


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