
Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanks-Givaway Winner & Final Insights in an AccuQuilt Giveaway

I had two delightful helpers select the winner for my Thanks-Givaway.

We put all the entries into a spreadsheet and assigned a number to each entry.  We then used Random Number Generator , which selected #87 as the winner.

Lucky #87 won a mesh bag full of goodies, as described in a prior post

Wondering who Lucky #87 is?  They have a lovely blog and have this cute fish as their Avatar.  

If you do not have this cute fish as an Avatar, I think this is a sign you didn't win my Thanks-Givaway.  But there is still time for you to enter another GREAT giveaway on my site for giveaways & contests:

If you have not yet entered the giveaway for the AccuQuilt "Worst Gift" Contest, there is still time.  But you need to get your entries in quilkly as the deadline is November 27th.  There are multiple ways to enter and the more ways you enter the more chances you have to win.  AccuQuilt is giving away a $100 Gift Certificate for AccuQuilt products.

For more info :

As an FYI, in the future I will be trying hard to only share insights on giveaways and contests on my blog:  I've also had so much fun with this giveaway, that I'm now thinking of holding a giveaway each month.  I think I can come up with more great prizes and I'm also hoping to find a few sponsors who may also be willing to donate prizes.

If you want a hint about the December giveway, you may want to finish working on your holiday projects soon!   I think you'll be wanting to "show" them off soon!

Are you still wondering who Lucky #87 is?  Well, it is Free Indeed  I hope you'll go check out her blog and congratulate her on this win.


  1. Darlene, the package arrived today and it was a huge Surprise off goodness within! I just hadn't realised how much stuff you were giving away, but I kept pulling out 'one more item' and 'one more item' and it seemed to go on forever. I think hubby is a tad jealous as he bugged me about opening presents before Christmas :). THank you sooo much! I can't express my gratitude for you generousity! So, a simple heart felt thanks....


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