
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Do you have a Bucket List?

Isn't it fun to find something you really want, when you least expected it?  That is how I felt when I came across this fabric today, plus some other delightful fabrics.  You see I've been searching for red, black & white fabric for an eye-spy charity quilt.  While I have collected several fabrics for this project, I've been enjoying the hunt to find more. 

Today I ran an errand for my husband, where I had to drive ~ 2 hours to pick something up (and ~2 hours back).  I'm very busy right now, but I'm blessed with a sweetheart of a husband, so I was happy to be able to help him, by running this errand for him.  But, I was even more delighted when it gave me a chance to visit a famous store in Southern California, that I had never been to previously.

M&L Fabrics  3430 W. Ball Rd. in Anaheim, is a store that just about every So. California sewing & quilting enthusiast has been to, and many others from out of the area.  Visiting M&L had  just another item on my "Bucket List" for so many years, I had begun to think I'd never see it.  Thus, I felt a little bit like walking into a magical world when I arrived.  Every step I took, I knew that hundres, no thousands, possibly millions of sewing enthusiasts had been there before me.  Probably many generations had visited this store previously!

For years I've heard about the stacks and stacks of flat fold fabrics at great deals.  Flat folds were only $1/yard for many years, but are now $2/yard.  Flannel is ~$3/yard.  And designer cottons are ~$8/yard. 

While I completed the errand for my husband, I am happy to report I had fun at M&L.  I found some great fabrics to make more charity quilts for the Linus Project, Camp Reach For The Sky, Quilts of Valour and other charity projects.  Plus I found some seasonal fabrics that I "needed", all at great prices.  I walked away with many yards of fabric, with a minimal dent in my funds.  

My "Bucket List" remains quite large, of which I'm happy to say I was able to visit M&L Fabrics.  If you haven't had a chance to visit M&L, I hope you'll add it to your Bucket List.  It is definitely worth a trip!

So, what have you recently crossed off of your "Bucket List"?


  1. Now that is one awesome place!!

  2. Hello there, I wish we had such a store here in Australia, I don't I would ever leave there...Warm Regards Lyn

  3. Wish we had a shop like that here!
    I don't have a bucket list, but have always wanted more of a Patrick Lose coffee themed fabric made years back. I should have bought up a lot more of it when I had the chance.

  4. Oh....I LOVE M&L, but haven't been there in a couple years. I guess it's time to make the trip again. We usually have a carload - sometimes as many of 7 or 8 us pile into a van and head down. It's always a fun day and there's very little room in the car on the way home since there are soooooo many bags of fabric! Thanks for reminding me what a wonderful store it is.

  5. WOWWWW We don't have stors like that here in Norway - I woud love to visit a fabric store like that !!!!

  6. Wow, look at all that fabric! And how wonderful that you got some great finds. YUM!

  7. Now, that's my kind of errand! :) I am glad you had a good time shopping.

    Thank you for your kind words on my pineapple block! :)

  8. I love M&L!!! So glad you took the plunge and are able to cross it off your Bucket List! :)

  9. Good Morning, I remember going to M&L when I lived in Orange County. It was such a exciting place. Tons and tons of fabric. How fun.

    Driving Miss Stacey
    Sew Far Sew Good Quilt Shop

  10. Wish we had a fabric store like the picture with all the bolts of fabrics.


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