
Monday, October 5, 2009

Marge Renner

Happy Birthday to Marge Renner!  To help celebrate her birthday today, I am sharing insights on some of her Family Heirlooms for everyone to enjoy.

Marge is an extremely talented quilter, and a lovely woman.  While someday I hope to write another article about Marge, sharing insights on quilts she has made, I wanted to share insights on  Marge's quilted Family Heirlooms on her brthday.

{above}  This quilt was made by Marge's  Great Grandmother, Jeannette Danks  Howenstein--late 1890 to early 1900. Marge calls this quilt "The Lilypad".  Marge remembers using this quilt as a little girl in the early 1940s.

{above} This Crazy Quilt was made by Marge's great-grandmother Jennette Danks Howenstein. Her initials are in the center of the quilt. The fabric used as the foundation looks like it dates from the Civil War era. She was born in 1849, so she could have made it possibily in the 1870--1890 time frame, as Marge estimates.  Jeannette Danks Howenstein was married in 1867.

{above}  Marge obtained this from the estate of her husband's aunt Grace Pieper Coffin. It is a Dresden Plate design, possibly made some time in the twenties or thirties. Marge views this quilt is in very poor condition, but from my perspective this quilt is in a delicate condition, but an exceptional condition for a quilt of this period. 

{above}  This quilt is an Irish Chain. Marge is not sure of the maker. Possibly her Grandmother Carrie Belle Howenstein Andre. It is crib size. This quilt was probably used by Marge's brothers and Marge when they were little. It was used as recent as 49 years ago in Marge's parents home by Marge's youngest son when she visited them. There was an old wicker crib in Marge's old room at this family home where this quilt was used.  Marge still have the old wicker crib which now holds her old dolls and stuff.  This quilt feels like it was made without batting.  Marge shared that they didn't have air-conditioning way back then--didn't need much warmth some of the year (family lived in Westmorland, California).

{above}  This is a Drunkards Path, with scrappy blue and white fabrics.  Marge obtained insights about this quilt from her mother, Evelyn Jennette Andre Walker. In 1976 when Marge first became interested in quilting, Evelyn shared insights with Marge about this quilt.  Marge's mother and her aunt, upon the death of Marge's Grandmother Carrie Belle Howenstein Andre, divided the quilts that Carrie had.  Marge's Mother took the quilts made by Marge's Great-Great-Grandmother Eleanor Pennman Danks, and my Great-GrandmotherJennette Danks Howenstein. Marge's Aunt Breta Andre Lambe took the quilts made by Marge's Grandmother Carrie Belle Andre.

{above}  This quilt was made by Jennette Danks Howenstein. Marge was told that the pattern is Dove in the Window. It was probably made in the late 1890's or early 1900s, It is quite worn and could have been used on one of Marge's brothers' beds when they were kids.

Marge's grandmother Carrie Belle Howenstein Andre was born in 1882 in Lone Pine, Neb. She died January 26, 1968, in Brawley, Ca..  Carrie's  youngest brother Claude was born Feb 15, 1888 in Chadron, Neb. The family  moved to from Nebraska to California some time between that 1888 and the early 1890s. This quilt could have been made in California.  
{above} This quilt came from Marge's husband, Jim's Aunt Grace Pieper Coffin on his mother's side. It was passed on to Marge and Jim Renner from Grace Pieper Coffin's estate. Marge has no information about the maker. There is an L and a W appliqued in the corners of the quilt. Marge has never seen this pattern before, thus suspects it  must be an original. It looks like it was made in the late 1890s.  

{above}  Made by Jennette Danks Howenstein---late 1890, early 1900. This quilt could have been used on one of Marge's brothers beds when they were kids. Marge is not sure what the pattern is,  maybe a variation of the Weathervane.

{above} Made by Jennette Danks Howenstein--Late 1890--early 1900. This quilt is very worn. The block that once was red is either worn away or is faded completely. Marge tried to determine the pattern, but just don't know for sure. Any ideas?  

{above}  This quilt was made by Marge's great-great-grandmother Eleanor Pennman Danks.  This quilt  is appliqued and is a trundle bed size quilt. Eleanor's first child was born in 1844, the last child was born in 1864. Marge assumes this quilt  was made around that time. They lived in McKeesport and Stringtown Pa. They had eight children and Marge's great-great-grandfather Peter Danks died one year after the last son was born.

{above} Made by Jennette Danks Howenstein--early 1900. Pattern- Family Tree. Marge is confident this quilt  was once a nice green color. She also believes this quilt was never used. The pencil marks for quilting can still be seen.

{above} This was made by Jennette Danks Howenstein. 1849-1936.  The pattern is called Seven Sisters. This quilt was made in the late 1890's or early 1900.  Marge believes it was made from all the left over shirting material.  It was probably used on one of the beds of Marge's Andre grandparents who had a ranch near Westmorland around 1915. Marge's Great-grandmother lived with them on the ranch. She was known as "Tiny Grandma". Late in her life she still pieced blocks even though she was blind.

{above}  This quilt was given to Marge's husband Jim by his mother Pearl Pieper Moore. It had belonged to his Grandfather Thomas Pieper. Jim's great-grandmother had made it for Jim's grandfather for serving his country in the Spanish-American War.

{above}  Marge is not sure what the pattern is for this beautiful quilt. It was passed on to Marge's husband from his aunt, Grace Pieper Coffin's estate. It is nicely quilted and has some trapunto too.

{above} This is the oldest quilt in Marge's collection. Made by Marge's great-great-grandmother Eleanor Pennman Danks. She was born In 1821 in Dalkeith, Scotland. She married Peter Danks. He was born in England in 1818. They married on May 18, 1843, in Pittsburgh Pa. Marge was told that this quilt was made for Eleanor's dowry. So it must have been made in the early 1840s

I hope you have enjoyed viewing Marge's beautiful Heirloom Quilts.  I know I have.  What a wonderful treat. 

Again, I hope Marge Renner has a wonderful birthday.  And thank you Marge for sharing your family heirlooms with us.


  1. Such a rich quilting heritage for your friend's family. Thanks so much for sharing.

  2. I love antique quilts, and those were amazing!

  3. What beautiful quilts, so nice that she has these quilts from her family.
    What a treasure.
    thank you for sharing her story and her quilts with us
    I never tire of seeing antique quilts.

  4. So beautiful! I think the blue and white quilt with all the triangles is Ocean Waves.

  5. These quilts are incredible, imagine having a family history with this sort of talent! I love them all but the simple Irish chain caught my eye. Thanks for sharing these. xo

  6. What a beautiful collection! Thanks for the show!

  7. WOW!!! What a heritage of quilting in that family. I LOVED looking at these quilts! My favorite is the trundle bed quilt. Imagine tucking in some cute little kids under such a beautiful quilt. It's wonderful that Marge knows so much about these special quilts. Thanks so much for sharing them. Happy Birthday Marge!

  8. Wow! What a heritage of quilting in that family! I loved looking at these quilts. My favorite is the trundle bed quilt. Imagine tucking in some cute little kids under such a beautiful quilt. Thanks for the show and Happy Birthday Marge!

  9. What an amazing gift to have those quilts and the family stories that go along with this! I super love this post!

  10. Marge has a most wonderful family history - so rich with quilting, a very lucky woman. Thank you for sharing her quilts.

    Its fascinating that although the 9 block applique with the vine border may once have been green (over time the yellow has deteriorated) it looks just as beautiful as a blue and white quilt!


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