
Friday, September 18, 2009

Cat Week: Can you find your muse by volunteering & helping others?

It seems that where ever we look, no matter what our challenges are in life, we can always find someone who is in need and has more challenges in life and could use a helping hand.    I love to help others, to volunteer for various charity fundraisers, and I enjoy meeting others and getting to know them, as I volunteer.

I love to help with the Kennel Comforter's project, which has the idea that if every pet in a shelter had a good night sleep it would be able to present itself better and have a better chance of getting adopted.  I truly hope that this project will be cloned and every community will soon have volunteers making pet beds for those in need in animal shelters.

I love to help with projects that help children.  I'm currently helping to sell raffle tickets for an opportunity quilt to raise funds for Camp Reach For The Sky. This camp is sponsored by the American Cancer Society and children with cancer are able to attend this camp, where they can still receive treatment while having fun.  And ever child that attends this camp is given a handmade quilt, of which I also help with a group of quilters and delightful longarmers that are sponsored by Rosies Calico Cupboard, to make these quilts.  But as this camp was almost cancelled last minute in 2009, due to the economy and lack of donations, Rosie came up with the idea of having an opportunity quilt raffle to raise funds for the Camp Reach For The Sky 2010.  And, of course, I volunteered to help sell tickets.   Don't you just love the the machine embroider work and the design on this lovely quilt?

Again, there are so many ways that one can help others and through quilting, sewing and/or our love of embroidery, we can help to make a difference in the lives of others.  At the same time, it opens the door to meet so many others and share insights, while frequently enabling friendships to sprout and last a lifetime.  Actually, when I think about it, so many of my special friends I've met through volunteer activities.

I'd love to hear your insights about your volunteer activities, helping others, and if you have found your muse through volunteering & helping others. 


  1. You have such a generous and kind heart. What a great way to help others. A few years ago my daughter and I were part of making quilts for families that lost loved ones in the war. It is called OperationHomeFrontQuilts. We also made quilts for our local Children's hospital. It is a super great way to practice machine quilting. And you are right, we can make a difference in the lives of others.

  2. You are really generous with your help to others. I volunteer to work with old people in a nursing home...It is so rewarding.


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