> ~ Insights by SewCalGal ~

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Road to California - Preview Party 2013 Was A Big Success!

The 2013 Road to California Quilt Conference and Show is going on this week in Ontario, CA.  The Preview Party for the show was this evening (Wednesday) and it was amazing.  So many beautiful quilts, clothing items and quilted dolls.  Everyone was smiling and enjoyed the evening listening to a love orchestra while admiring beautiful quilts.

Here is a little tease of what you can see if you come to Road this year.....

{above} Caroline Reese on a Harley!  Yes, if she can get on a Harley you can too!  This bike is setup for picture taking opportunities, with the background being the fun Route 66 quilt exhibit.  There are several panels in this exhibit and each contains many smaller quilts that represent various sights along Route 66.  Definitely a fun exhibit that will bring special memories to mind for many!

Hoffman California Fabrics sponsored a $1,000 prize for the quilt with the Best Use of Color.  This was won by Birgit Schueller, for her quilt "Masquerede".  My little camera does not capture the beautiful of this amazing and colorful quilt.  Absolutely stunning.   Congratulation Birgit!

"Spinner" was designed and made by Marlene Oddie and quilted by Marlene.
I've seen pictures of this quilt on Marlene's blog, but this quilt is absolutely amazing up close.   And, congratulations Marlene as this is a juried quilt show, with entries coming from all over the world.  Quite an honor to be juried into Road.   

Don't forget if you are going to Road to check out my prior post on 2013 Road where you can:
- print coupons for special vendor discounts and fun vendor opportunities
- consider taking a video at Road, or using pictures to create a video, and entering the Road to California Video Challenge where you can win prizes.

And, don't overlook the change to pricing this year.  It is only $15 to attend the show and that ticket is good every day of the show.  So, if you want to come back and pop in to look at something, or pick up something from a Vendor, it makes it very economical! 

Hope to see you at Road!

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Anonymous said...

I can't be there so I appreciate your write up and photos. Marlene's quilt is stunning and I LOVE the quilting. Enjoy the show!

Kim said...

Cute, not only can I sit on a Harley I have my license and I can ride one of those beauties!

Looks like a great time going to Road to California...if only I didn't have to start out at 9 degrees to get there.

Happy Sewing

WoolenSails said...

It sounds like it is going to be a wonderful show.


Kathleen said...

Oh so excited. I am on my way, and I have a quilt in the show, which is very exciting! I am humbled to have been chosen.

Joanna said...

What amazing work. Talented quilters, for sure.

Michele said...

I wish, wish, wish I could go to that show. Definitely not this year but hopefully some day.

Marlene @ KISSed Quilts . com said...

Thank you SewCalGal for including 'Spinner' in your post! For readers who are interested, here is the link to find the free tutorial on how to draw this in EQ7. KISSed Quilts Blogspot - Spinner Tutorial

Kay Lynne said...

Wish I could go, but really enjoy all the pictures and inspiration!